It is crazy windy here in Bellingham today. The wind is blowing the rain against the windows. I absolutely love that sound. There are leaves blowing everywhere. It is sort of cold and wet, but there is this wonderful, beautiful quality to everything.
We have started presentations in my writing class. I dont give mine until the 15th, so the next couple of weeks are just listening to other presentations. I sort of hate going on the last day. it wasn't my choice, but it is fine. i wish that i would have chose a better book to present on. We had to choose a book from the banned books list to read and then discuss. We are mainly supposed to discuss the reasons that it was banned or challenged and if we agree with the reasons. I am presenting on Judith Guest's Ordinary People. it is a good book, and I had been wanting to read it anyways. The only problem is that it really doens't have all that much to talk about. It has only been challenged a few times...mainly for this one sex scene which really has nothing to do with the book. I dont know. I HATE giving presentations. It should be fine. The guy that I have a crush on presented today. He talked about Animal Farm and in order to explain how it is an allegory of Stalinism, he created sort of this allegory of war on terror. George Bush was represented as the eagle and the United States was represented as a forest and the twin towers were these two oak trees. They oak trees are destroyed by wolves. He talked about how Eagle invades this other area where the wolves are not actually from looking for "fangs of mass destruction". the whole thing was just so clever and amusing. he is so soft spoken and sweet and smart and sexy. I so want to ask him out. haha.
The last couple of days, I have heard this cat meowing somewhere in my apartment complex. I first thought that one of my neighbors had a cat or something. As the last two days went on, though, the meowing became more of a whine and sounded more and more distressed. I started to get really worried about the poor kitty. Finally, I realized that the car was underneath the apartment complex and the image of the recently blocked vent holes flashed into my mind. I think that they have sort of been winterizing the builing. I realized that the cat is probably trapped under there which was so upsetting for me. i tried to figure out a way to get under there or unblock one of the whole. i did, but then there was this really heavy screen and the cat came to the screen which was just absolute torture and i felt so bad that I had no way of freeing it. I called my management company, and they said that they would send someone. The whole thing has had me so scared, though.
I was planning on going to the planetarium show tonight, but I guess that it is all full. Sigh. I really wanted to go. I knew that I should have contacted someone about it sooner. There is a perfomance of Martin Sherman's play Bent tonight that I might go to. it is such a sad, beautiful story. the movie about it is pretty good.
fleeboy should be here so he could go with me. I think that he likes the movie. I am going to go see David Sedaris tomorrow night with this guy from Seattle. I hope that it is good. I am so antisocial lately. I dont know what is up with it.
I have a geology exam today. i think that it should go pretty well. I dont know. I should probably be more concerned about it.
Oh! the strangest thing happened the other day. I got a friend request on myspace from this woman and I looked at her profile and didn't recognize her. I am not really one to just add people because they add me, so I denied her request. Anyways, i check back later that day and see that there is a comment on an old blog of mine from her. It was on the one where I talk a lot about my sexuality and coming out and stuff. She wrote, "I'm always glad when people come out, and doubly glad when it's a person from my same dinky little high school. Were you out in school? I didn't even know, myself. I think I would've been out, but I know it would've been hard." This really caught me off guard. It told me that she probably found me by looking at people from Kootenai High school. Then I looked at her name. I am almost positive that she was my baby sitter. Grisha is really not a very common name and the year of her graduation would be right. She lived just through the woods from me when I was little. The whole thing was just too amusing. Everyone is on myspace. so random.
I hope that everyone else is having a good day. Happy Friday!!