The first unofficial day of MWC. Three more times of packing and repack and just upped Apple's third fiscal quarter by spending $50 worth of iTunes gift cards loading up my iPod in a fit of downloads. LOL
1. NCIS "Twilight": Granted, the death of Kate Todd in this episode was violent, a shock and strictly left field, most of the beginning of Twilight was some of the best team hurt/comfort I've seen in a show where PDA was a headslap and a cup of coffee. LOL The continuity of Tony's recovery from "SWAK" really hammered in how close to death he was in the previous episode, hence inviting a second look at this mostly blue tinged episode. "Twilight" also proved the team can show concern in their own quirky, dysfunctional way without getting too out of character.
2. Torchwood "Captain Jack Harkness": Seriously. Seriously. Sexuality aside, this was one of the best tragic, star-crossed love plots I have ever seen. It is, as well, one of the episodes that got me hooked on Torchwood and Captain Jack. Both of them. And the music. At the moment, some of the best compositions by Murray Gold cued in and simply transformed what might have been a shocker scene for some into a tragic one that eliminated whatever misgivings you may have had about the scene. Simply put, it was a love story that just ended before it could begun.
3. Starsky and Hutch "Survival": Whereas "The Fix" is more well known and remembered for S&H hurt/comfort, I actually liked "Survival" even though our crime fighting duo were separated most of the time. It was the little things like Starsky checking on his partner, the touch on his partner's face when he didn't know if Hutch was dead or alive. We get a tight parallel of urgency here: Starsky's need to find Hutch and Hutch's need to stay alive long enough to be found. Divided, they still worked together as partners.
Causeway has no definite changes I can tell although WiFi has been fab and fast. Our room, sadly is far, far from the beaten path. So, if you're here to pickup or purchase
Brotherhood zine, we're located at Room 275.
Still unpacking though. The zines looked gorgeous. Not sure about our hours for Thursday. It will be late, but if the door's open, we are, too! If you miss uds, we're open Friday too after 11am!
Number of Hours I Did Not Sleep: 38
Number of Conversations That Spontaneous Came up With Strangers (hey, it's MWC, it can happen): 0 (the con's just started)
Number of Times Bob Evans Was Worshipped Instead of Nutrition: 0 (see above)
Number Times I Wished I Had Time To Do Door Decorations/Vidding: 16
Number of "Oh, cool! Gotta Have!": 2
Number of Plot Bunnies MWC Gave Me (damn it): 4
The Virtual Door Decoration