Jan 06, 2005 20:25
Top 5 headlines from New Orleans
1. The first night Teeter and I almost got arrested for allegedly hitting a Virginia Tech fan with a coin from the balcony of a bar. Luckily Darby convinced the policeman that some mexicans did it. Kate, however, oblivious to the entire incident, yelled at us for leaving her in the bar as we were defending ourselves to the cops.
2. Also the first night, Teeter, Darby and I ended up spending the night at my ex-girlfriends hotel room. I promise that wasnt awkward in the morning.
3. In my favorite event of the entire week, Kate almost got married to a guy who's in the guiness book of world records for inventing the smallest test tube ever. I don't feel that this story needs any more explanation.
4. In the weirdest scenario of the week, one of my best friends from high school (Teeter) and one of my best friends from college (mandy) made out while dancing in the bourbon street blues company. Clearly not a bad thing, just a little twilight-zonish.
5. And finally, when I turned 22 at midnight after the game, kate, teeter, and I drank with my parents in the Board of Trustees hospitality suite. Since then, my parents have informed me how much they like kate at least 13 times, and my dad told her that he would give her a job because she is "not a dyke like most of the women in athletic administration."
What a weird but awesome trip...
In other news, I did not sleep last night because I'm sick, and finally got out of bed at 11am and went to the gas station to buy nyquil, which I downed half the bottle of and slept till 5pm...so right now i feel like i have jet lag.
There's someone that I care a lot about that I think is going through a rough time. This is for her.
"Heaven is not here, it's There. If we were given all we wanted here, our hearts would settle for this world rather than the next. God is forever luring us up and away from this one, wooing us to Himself and His still invisible Kingdom, where we will certainly find what we so keenly long for." --Elisabeth Eliot