got bored

Aug 26, 2004 14:11

First best friend: Holdon from NC
First car: 67 ford galaxy
First real kiss: first one with any emotion behind it was kristi
First break-up: 7th grade, wasnt exactly sad about it lol
First screen name: D1NG087
First pets: sunday the lizard
First piercing: i have a freckle on my ear that kinda looks like a peircing, closest i got
First true : first true what?
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: styx
Last car ride: bout 10 30 last night
Last good cry: grandfather dying when i was eight
Last library book checked out: digital forstess, good book
Last movie seen: Cujo, shittiest horror movie ever
Last phone call: Kristi
Last time showered: this morning
Last cd played: NOW 3, went old school
Last item bought: toco bell
Last annoyance: annoying people
Last disappointment: when i came to the realization that schools almost here
Last time wanting to die: when i saw cujo, what a shitty movie
Last shirt worn: white
Last website visited:
Last word you said: duh
Last song you sang: she likes me for me
What color socks are you wearing?: got sandles on
What Color underwear are you wearing?: grey
What's under your bed?: closet doors and the boogie monster
What time did you wake up today?: bout 1

Current mood: bored and hungry
Current music: country
Current taste: french toast
Current hair: the same i feel asleep with last night
Current clothes: jeans and a white t-shirt
Current annoyance(s): paul smells
Current desktop picture: desert
Current book(s): digital fortress
Current color of toenails: clear i guess
Current time-wasting wish: eating
Current hate: cujo...GOD DAMN MOVIE

One or the Other
1. Black or white? white
2. Boxers or briefs? boxers
3. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
4. Salt or pepper? salt
5. Sweet or sour? sweet
6. Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
7. Short or long? long
8. Cheap or expensive? cheap
9. Firm or soft? soft
10. Hot or cold? hot

My favorite
Color is: red
Song is: "im gonna get my gun" right now, what a funny song
Scent is: any good food
Alcoholic beverage is: schmirnoff
Food is: french toast

4 things you did so far today
-talked online
-did this survey
-yelled at paul for smelling

4 things you can hear right now
-buzz of the computer
-IM bleep meaning i got IMed
-the voices telling me to burn things

4 things you do when your bored
-play hockey
-play hockey on the computer
-talk to peeps online

4 people that never fail to cheer you up
- kristi
- strongbad
- sunny (kristi's new dog)
- every1 else i can think of has pissed me off at least sometime in the past and therefore have failed at cheering me up before

4 things you can't live without
-willy wonka
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