Just ranting

Jun 02, 2009 13:18

I was so bored last night that I actually started to watch the new reality train wreck I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here... Goodness. Where to start. First off, the only reason I even put on this garbage was to see the wife of our former Governor. How badly would she come across? But any hopes of some much desired schadenfreude on her behalf, it was Heidi and Spencer who stole the show. What a couple of Grade A douchebags these two are. My lord. Now, I've never seen their show. I'm way out of the age bracket that would watch, but are they always so loathsome? Are they just playing it up for the shock value? Ick. I didn't see the whole show. The host mentioned the show would be live every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I have no intention of investing that much time into a show like this, so I immediately changed the channel. I spent too many days suckered into Big Brother, and I'm not about to get suckered into this one..

Speaking of being out of the age bracket for a show, I watched the MTV Movie Awards. With so many of awards going to movies involving Twilight, Hannah Montana, and High School Musical, it's clear that show has passed me by. It was fun to see Forest Whitaker singing Dick in a Box, and Eminem getting a face full of Bruno, but the rest of the show might as well had been on Nick.

I've been trying to find something interesting to read for awhile. While cleaning up my room, I came across Galilee by Clive Barker. I bought this years ago, and never even cracked the cover. I'm horrible at that. I buy a book I "must have now", and then by another, and the first one disappears in a pile somewhere. I'm only 50 or so pages into it, but I'm really digging it. It's a pretty healthy sized book. Have any of you read this? Does it keep going as well as it starts, or does it fizzle out, like some other Clive Barker book has been know to do? Luckily for me, the EP Library book sale is this weekend, so I get to load up on lots of books that I'll forget about buying, and I'll have something to read next year or two. ;)

Lastly, thank goodness Pushing Daisies is finally getting its last few episodes aired. I missed getting my Kristen Chenowith fix. They made up for the lengthy delay by having her sing Hello by Lionel Ritchie. Well worth the wait.
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