So as you've probably noticed, End Times Fever is runnin' wild in the United States. The Good Lord is apparently callin' the flock home tomorrow, or tonight I guess,
depending on what time zone you live in. And since, let's be honest, I'm going to be Left Behind,* I'd just like to say in advance: I get to be Warlord of Logan Square.
Seriously, you guys. I called dibs.
For reals, though... I know a lot of you folks either live in another country, or have spent a crapload of time in one. So I have a question that's been tickling me: does any other country get periodically wrapped up in the Rapture like America does? Or are we the only ones egomaniacal enough to think we're so awesome, we must be life's crescendo?
*'Cuz... y'know. Atheist Jew.