So tired of all the darkness in our lives

Apr 18, 2011 15:00

So this guy won a Pulitzer Prize today.

You know, I'm on record (along with about eighteen hojillion other cartoonists) as being baffled by editorial cartooning. It's the only area of art where you can get away with just writing the name of what you're supposed to be drawing across it. Like, you can draw a snake with "IRS" written on it, and a mouse with "taxpayer" written on it, and HA HA HOW AWESOME IS IT THAT YOUR ART DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE REPRESENTATIVE PAYCHECK PLEASE.

But beyond the wild hackery this allows, I'm mystified by the fact that even when unnecessary, this practice is a convention of the genre. Look at that cartoon I linked to. THOSE ARE GOOD LIKENESSES. You could take out every word in that panel except for "No, seriously..." and it would work. It would be a good comic.

Geez, editorial cartoonists.
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