Sep 20, 2013 09:43
The time come to describe some of the food experiences I get during the first week here. I need to apologize for the absence of photos, but I got strong recommendation not to use my Nikon camera, as I will be seen as a tourist == freaking rich capitalist == easy target to rob.
Until now each day I was joining my direct boss to go for a lunch in different places. Here in Brazil quite popular system "per kilogram", when you put on the plate whatever amount you want of whatever goods (and they have a lot) and pay for the mass of goods. I found this really nice (though the price of lunch for me was approx. 8 or 8.5 euros...remembering Germany).
As far as I was told, Brazil is highly non-uniform. And taking into account the fact that their cuisine is strongly influenced by foreign immigrants, that means food differs. Also, I was told that many exotic vegetables/fruits grow only in some parts of Brazil and hardly transportable.
Few things amazed me here are:
1) they do have different kinds of bananas. they actually taste different. fried bananas are amazing!
2) instead of potato (which is not as popular) people use fried roots of some plant. it tastes close to potato.
3) main side dish is rice.
4) there are lots of kinds of italian and japanese food (of course, it is modified to fir brazilian stomacks).
5) the food is TASTY unlike in "civilized part" of Europe.
Still I did not understood whether the food in supermarkets are cheaper/more expensive than in Europe, but in some time I will manage to give you a comprehensive answer on this question.
In time I try to buy the charger for small camera and secretly take some of the photos of my lunch plates. Until now I'm in love with their food.