Happy Monday!

Nov 09, 2009 12:41

It's really hard to work when a celeb gets engaged. Because I want to sit there and read things like ONTD and other places. The funniest bit has been the posts where people are convinced - convinced - that this SPN person is actually gay (or at least bi) and that him getting engaged to a woman (of all things) is a PR cover. Defend-it-argumentatively-in-comments convinced.

See, I think this is where a lot of my problem comes in with RPF. Sure there are some people who handle it just fine, but there are others where there is no line between fiction and reality. It's all reality for them.

And on that same note, David Tennant will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever date you. Ever. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. Not even if you meet him at a book signing. Or a con. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. Seriously. I am not kidding. So no falling off the deep end if he gets engaged to GM, m'kay?

Anyhoo, I just got my apple slicer in the mail today! PIE! It looks like it'll be cooler this weekend, so a good time for baking. I'm thinking a dutch apple pie. And then take it in to work: "BEHOLD. PIE."


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