My parents came down for the holiday weekend, and this morning we went to a favorite breakfast place: Brockton Villa in La Jolla. (If you've ever visited me, I've probably taken you there.) Also, I nearly bought a futon for my computer/guest room. Nearly.
Mmmmm. Brockton Villa. The food is good and the view is unbeatable. See that red person blob in the middle? That where we were sitting.
Taken from our table. We're in "June Gloom" right now (morning gray), but it was already starting to burn off by the time we left.
Bird! And flowers that are probably iceplant, but I'm clueless when it comes to plants.
SEALS! Over at the Children's Pool.
Some napping in the mounds of kelp that were washed up. Actually, I've never seen that much washed-up kelp there like that before. Weird.
Okay, so they were all napping. Normally you can see at least a few of them paddling around, but nope. The most energetic thing they did was yawn.
"Man, being a fur tube is the LIFE!"
"Tell me about it. I don't know which end is up on me, and I don't care."