Today started out as one of those days. It took me about 20 minutes to realize I had my sweatpants on inside out.
House. I think I might be starting to lose interest in House. I know, already! Considering I just started over Christmas and all. I'm still fairly entertained, although this show has a very specific formula. You can practically set your watch to the moment where House gets this look in his eye when he's solved the case. And I'm still not invested in any of the characters, so the whole thing is a bit... *shrug*
Other than that, the episode wasn't nearly as thrilling as last week.
Renee, are you actually paying attention to what Jack does? Please to be noting how he handled Dubaku's girlfriend as opposed to how you handled the Secret Service agent's wife and baby. I'm not saying Jack is a saint, but he knows how to handle people - she doesn't.
1) I fear the Renee shouting match next week. "FEEEEEL SOMETHING!!!!" She's going to wind up kissing him, isn't she? *rolls eyes*
2) I fear for Dubaku's girlfriend.
3) I fear that Larry pales in the awesomeness of Chloe. Now take your criticisms like a man, Larry. (MWAH at Chloe telling Larry to stop obsessing about Jack.)
ETA: (since I don't want to make another post) Okay, I just read this Joe interview, and...
1) They made the Asgard evil? Those bastards!
2) On SGU: "We're focusing less on -- in fact, we're not even focusing at all on going to the planets and meeting the humanoid, English-speaking aliens." But...going to other planets and stuff was what made Stargate fun! It was exploration and adventure! Are you people just going to be looking at the Stargate but not using it or something?