Episode dump

Jan 27, 2009 07:30

  • BSG last week was boring. Really boring. katesutton re-titled it as "Or, the one where everyone but Lee is a complete moron." The Humans are imploding and I sort of don't care. Right now they just don't seem worth saving in the end. And that's all I've got on that.

  • House was kind of a strange episode. So Cuddy really would have bitched House out over speakerphone, freaking out a patient whose head was currently cut open? That's...really irresponsible. I don't care if it resulted in getting a diagnosis - that part was a plot device. And then the whole thing with the baby... Yeah, I still don't care about the personal drama on this show. And wow Cameron went through that job fast. A job that seemed to involve her sitting in Cuddy's office, waiting for House to turn up and ask her things. :D

    Anyway, I've decided in my ongoing lack of caring about the personal drama on this show, I really don't care about Thirteen. Even though they devote a LOT of time to her and her illness. I think she's an interesting character, but enough already. I want to watch House and his team solve really weird cases. Period.

  • Jack and Chloe screen time! \o/ They so wanted to hug each other. *nods* (I sort of remember Chloe being pregnant before - who's the father? I don't remember that part.)

    I was happy that the President's hubby wasn't killed. (Saying "First Gentleman" sounds weird.) They've finally caught a break, since now they'll be able to look into the money angle. Shame that the son's girlfriend had to die. That was rather gruesome.

    Heh. Bill is awesome. He has that magical power to make people believe him with sheer earnestness. He and Jack are the only two people on the planet with it.

    I wonder how long the FBI agent will stay in hiding with them. Well, whenever she turns up alive, her boss who's secretly in love with her will probably wet himself with joy. I've decided that I don't want the FBI woman to get together with her boss - he's now gone into my "weird and creepy" column. I also don't want her to be yet another in Jack's long line of temporary love interests. We've SEEN that go down before. And before. And before. Besides, he's Chloe's, dammit!

  • Can I have Torchwood back yet please? It feels like it's been FOREVER since there's been new Torchwood.

  • ETA: Apparently this is all over my flist this morning. Aww, Martha might come back? (Although it's from the Sun, which...yeah.) I'd like to see Martha again. :) Although I'm still irked Freema had to go and get herself another job so she can't join Torchwood.

    Martha returning could be in any form - a character in a whole episode or... You know, I'd still like to see the Doctor regenerate surrounded by friends. That'd be my hope - that she and others (Sarah Jane, Jack, Mickey, Donna...and Rose) would be there for the regeneration so it doesn't happen when he's alone in the rain. I could see the actors wanting to be there for DT's goodbye. *crosses fingers*

24, new who, torchwood, doctor who, house, bsg

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