I realized I never posted about Friday's BSG.
The problem is that for the life of me, I can't remember exactly what happened. I remember enjoying while watching it. I think... I looked up tv.com's episode guide on this episode to jog my memory.
Gaius Baltar sets off a debate on religious freedom when he promotes his belief in a single God.
REALLY. Huh. Just not ringing any bells. Okay, if I did remember what the hell happened in this episode, I'd probably have this to say about it:
- Ewww. Does the whole Baltar's harem have to be so skeevy? Why aren't there any men in this cult?
- Why's Lee a lawyer again?
- God, Kara is just so fucked up.
- The Boomers have managed to confuse me yet again. Seriously. I know one of them shot Adama, a couple of them apparently died on a cylon ship, and one of them has a baby. One was sleeping with the Chief and one was sleeping with Helo and one was sleeping with Al...and possibly Ziggy. *cries a little*
- Adama and Roslin did whatever the hell they felt like, waltzing across the lines of morality. That's so unlike them!
- Every time I see Helo, I'm always reminded of my cousin. They could be twins.