This is bad. I think I'm getting a chest cold and I'm supposed to be doing things today. Maybe if I don't admit I'm sick, I won't be. I think I'm going with that.
- Cally! Wow. You know what I'm really missing in all this? I really wanted to see the Chief have to deal with Cally's knowledge before she was killed. I really want to know how he would have reacted to it. Would he have tried to talk his way out of it, reminding her that Boomer (II?) was around? Would he have killed Cally himself? And at the end when Adama's in the room with him (wonder what they said about it - accident? suicide?), was the Chief feeling sorrow? Relief? Both? They simply didn't give me enough of the Chief when killing off his wife.
- I am so not surprised Kara's pretty much going off the deep end. She was always messed up, and thinking that she could be some sort of Cylon creation - yeah. Off the deep end.
- The political storyline is still the least interesting to me. Not Executive Order 112! Yes, we get that Roslin = Bush (or maybe Cheney what with the airlocking or shooting people) in that she wants to save everyone by keeping secrets and taking away rights. Really, we get it. It's just not all that thrilling to me.
- You know, just don't make me try and figure out which Boomer(s) died on the Cylon ship, which Boomers are left and which exact Boomer is on Galactica. I swear, the Boomers will be the death of me.