OH NO, THE TOWN IS GOING TO BLOW UP OMG. Poor Storybrooke is going to go bye-bye. (Probably.) It would be interesting to see the whole crew adjusting to life back in the fairy tale world. Like I'd love it if people were used to technology and found a way to replicate it. EXCUSE ME WHILE I RING UP THE ROYAL CASTLE. :D
I'm glad that Neal found out about Tamara right away instead of dragging that out. That's one of my peeves when shows do that.
Emma and Neal luuuuurve each other. I can't wait to see how fandom is reacting to their declaration of love to each other. I'm thinking it'll be a lot of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. XD
Obviously Neal isn't dead, but the dude has the worst luck at getting sucked away to different places.
It should be fun seeing Peter Pan and the Lost Boys next week. At least I assume we'll see them next week. :\