May 05, 2013 18:17

  • OH NO, THE TOWN IS GOING TO BLOW UP OMG. Poor Storybrooke is going to go bye-bye. (Probably.) It would be interesting to see the whole crew adjusting to life back in the fairy tale world. Like I'd love it if people were used to technology and found a way to replicate it. EXCUSE ME WHILE I RING UP THE ROYAL CASTLE. :D

  • I'm glad that Neal found out about Tamara right away instead of dragging that out. That's one of my peeves when shows do that.

  • Emma and Neal luuuuurve each other. I can't wait to see how fandom is reacting to their declaration of love to each other. I'm thinking it'll be a lot of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. XD

  • Obviously Neal isn't dead, but the dude has the worst luck at getting sucked away to different places.

  • It should be fun seeing Peter Pan and the Lost Boys next week. At least I assume we'll see them next week. :\

  • Still mourning my Belle/Books OTP.


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