So I did that meme thing with pics.
Choose 5 fandoms, then answer the questions. (No looking at the questions first.)
1. Doctor Who
2. Sherlock
3. Leverage
4. Torchwood
5. SG-1
- Who is your favourite character in #2?
John Watson
Cuddly and fierce!
- Who is your least favourite character in #1?
Hmm. If we're talking main characters, River, I suppose. Eleven a close second.
Sorry, River. I liked you in that one episode where you were competent and stuff without the nails-down-the-chalkboard innuendos. But I'm way past the point of trying to cringe past your sexytimes to appreciate the character.
Sorry, dude. You do nothing for me (and most times I'm doubting both your intelligence and your logic.) Have a Rory punch.
- What’s your favourite episode of #4?
So far probably Children of Earth. Miracle Day might edge it out, depending on how it goes.
Jack butt! (I imagine you're now either mentally scarred or turned on. Not sure I want to know about either.)
- What is your favourite season of #5?
I like the middle seasons the best. I guess S6 in spite of the fact that Daniel isn't in it (much). I just loved the team-ness and Sam/Jackness and everything in S6.
Plus Sam + P90 is really hot.
No, really.
- What’s your favourite ship in #3?
I don't really ship anyone in the show, but Hardison/Parker really is adorable.
- Who is your anti-ship in #2?
Mycroft/Lestrade. (What the hell, fandom?) Plus I love Mark Gatiss, but he is 100% unsexy to me.
Never share a second of screen time? Well obviously they're meant to be the fandom's second most popular pairing!
- How long have you watched #1?
Since 2005.
- How did you become interested in #3?
I believe I started with it when it first aired. Not sure what about it caught my attention.
Yay for bromance!
- Who is your favorite character in #4?
Well, I say Gwen... She's actually the embodiment of RTD, right?
- Which show do you prefer out of #1, #2, or #5?
The answer would be different depending on when you'd asked me. Right now I prefer Sherlock.
"Is that my gun in your pocket or am I happy to see you?"
"It's the gun, John. Wait, what?"
- Which show have you seen more episodes of, #1 or #3?
Doctor Who, mainly because I've seen a lot of classic Who as well.
Yes. Well. So that happened.
- If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be?
I'd be someone who isn't involved with Torchwood.
- How would you kill off your favourite character in #2?
Drown him in cuddly jumpers.
Death in a cuddly jumper.
- Give a random quote from #1.
"It's funny because people back home think that space travel's gonna be all whizzing about, and teleports, anti-gravity. But it's not, is it? It's tough."
- Would a #3/#4 crossover work?
Sure. The Leverage team would completely take over Torchwood, but quickly give it back once they realized they didn't want it.
No, really. It would happen.
- Pair two characters in #1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Pete Tyler/Donna Noble. For some bizarre reason, I think it would work.
"See, Rose, I'm you're new step-mum..."
- Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or #5?
Oh man! I'm so attached to SG-1, but I suppose I should give it to Leverage. They're both great ensembles though.
- Which has better theme music, #2 or #4?
Strangely enough, Torchwood. Just hearing those notes in the theme makes me all interested and is actually at theme, while Sherlock is...just music that goes over the credits. Torchwood's is as unique to me as hearing the notes from The X-Files theme.
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