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Mar 21, 2010 19:42

The Wheel in Space (Two, Jamie, Zoe)

  • Another episode that's a partial reconstruction. I'm actually not sure what is on the DVD or if there even is a DVD - I started watching it on Netflix instant viewing and realized they had only uploaded episodes 3 and 6. It's kind of strange since the DVDs I've watched with incomplete episodes have been filled in with reconstructions. Hmmm. A quick Google is making me think there isn't a DVD. Huh. ANYWAY. This is from watching the surviving episodes, watching reconstructions on YouTube and reading the transcript.

  • Awwww, Jamie's sad about Victoria leaving. The Doctor: "eh, she'll be fine."

  • They find themselves on an abandoned spaceship, so have a look around, eat the food and talk about Victoria. Meanwhile a round-ish robot toodles around.

  • You know, the TARDIS should write a coffee table book about all the times she's been cut off from the Doctor for plot reasons. :D

  • Hello, Commander Douchebag! Good plan blowing things up without having all the facts first. :D

  • Time Vector Generator - early sonic screwdriver? It's coming in quite handy. And it can bork up a whole space station!

  • Awww. So it was Jamie who originally came up with "John Smith" for the Doctor. *pats him*

  • Hello, Zoe! She's working in a parapsychology library? Was she psychic? Maybe I knew this but have forgotten...

  • Ah, so Cybermen are hatching from eggs this time around? Sure, why not? :D

  • *SNORTS* So a guy sees a cybermat, pets it and gets on with his life. No alarm bells on seeing something completely new on a space station? Nothing? Best and brightest you've got there. :D (Not that I blame him for petting it, for cybermats should be petted. Yes, they're evil, but they are cute.)

  • Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice use of lava lamps as part of the control system. For serious. *zones out on them*

  • Interesting approach the Doctor has to Zoe trying to sneak on board. "You think this is fun? Let me show you DALEKS! FROM MY MIND!" And presumably Zoe giggles and off they go, but they don't actually show us that - it just ends.

Delta and the Bannermen (Seven, Mel)
  • Seven and Mel land in the ass-end of space and wind up winning a trip to Disneyland in the 1950s. Like you do. :D

  • AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Every time I think I find the worst American accent on DW, a new one comes along. It sounded sort of like...drunk cowboy? XD And his partner is from New Yaaawk. :D :D

  • For once the Doctor decides to follow along in the TARDIS instead of just jumping in a ship. He can be smart sometimes... ;)

  • Sadly instead of landing at Disneyland, they land in Wales at some sort of summer camp from hell. There are really too many jokes about both Wales and Disneyland, I can't choose one.

  • *snorts* "I don't just kill for money. It's also something I enjoy." *pats the cheesy dialog*

  • Sooooo a very Earth-looking humanoid alien reproduces via metal egg that hatches a green baby? Or is the baby some other species? Anyway, an alien woman with a green baby seems to be a turn-on to a random Earth guy. Oh, and the baby is rapidly growing into a girl.

  • The Bannermen = Devo. Oh 80s. :D

  • "Who will stop me? You? With your puny flag?" And suddenly I'm imagining this as an Eddie Izzard sketch. XD

  • And random Earth guy decides to mutate himself to go with the Earth-looking humanoid alien. (Mutation involves being slightly more shiny.) Anyway, he goes with the humanoid alien and the baby who is now a tween, so they can repopulate the race. I'm not sure if they meant there to be creepy implications with the tween, but... O_o

doctor who, old who

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