Feb 08, 2010 18:22
My desktop computer died on me. Sure it's XP and years old, but how dare it die on me??
Actually it might be a bad cable between my hard drive and the motherboard since it all of sudden wanted to boot from the A drive. (Yes, it has an A drive.) Even after taking the A drive completely out of the sequence (THOU SHALT ONLY BOOT FROM THE HARD DRIVE) it fails. After a jiggle of the cable, it attempted to boot XP - got as far as the login screen - but then it went byebye. Could be my hard drive too.
I've known I needed a new desktop for ages. Guess it's time to get one. At least I've got my laptop. (I just hope I can pull all my junk off the old drives. Yeah, there are two in there. My desktop was kind of a Frankenmonster I built myself.)
Question for you computer types - is there an easy way to hook up an internal hard drive to a new computer? Like...a box that plugs into a USB or something? I kind of hate the thought of having to crack open the computer and install a second hard drive, then uninstall it, then install third hard drive, then uninstall it. (Although it might be easier nowadays.) I've gotten quite lazy when it comes to this stuff.