Office Woes

Oct 04, 2008 01:05

So lately I've been feeling kinda iffy about work. Not much of where I want to quit, more of the way things are that makes it feel like an uncomfortable environment. For the love of God, I do not know what it is it, but I have an idea of what it might be. Hope I'm wrong, but if I am, WTF? Seriously.

So I've been a tamp at Lagasse for a while doing customer service, once again. I thought, it's something I know and something I can do really well. Why not? I mean, I wanted to go back to school and make that my first priority and basicaally go to work and pass through the day while being half-awake to do a great job. But who knew that what I can do in my subconcious can make it seem so well done.

Over the last 4 months, while doing what I consider to be half-assing the job, I've been receiving compliments from the higher ups on my neat work, superb call handling, and my focus (Seriously?). Of course, I modestly took the compliments and went on with doing my "work". All is well and great... and repetative... and boring... But hey, it's my easy job, I'm getting paid and it's all that mattered. This way I can concentrate on school more and "sleep" my way through work.

But recently, I found out the managers had something in store for me. I guess they saw what I can do while falling asleep, and now, they wanted to challenge me some more. Personally, I didn't care. Work is work, and in the end, I'll hate it anyways. But what they had in mind was putting me in the highest customer service position there was, and it was Major Account Represntative. Basically, instead of getting a general view of every account the company have, I am more focused on the big spenders of the company, the multi-million dollar spenders. It was a position to be taken seriously, because any screw ups could lead to the failure of the company. After knowing the position, I knew it was a big task and it was an honor to put me up in consideration for this position. Before I knew it, I'm in the job and putting alot more focus now.

Great, right? I thought so. I mean, I rarely speak on the phone now. All my work is based off the emails I receive. And best of all, I am not rushed. There is no call quality for me to follow and no one over my back watching to see if I am doing my work or not. It's a position many may bust their ass of for years to get to... And that might be my problem.

If anything, I'm only about 5 months in now and I'm at a pretty respectable position in the company, and I'm still a temp at that. Yes, I still get no pay increase until I actually get hired, but that's another story. But in this position some things may have not changed. First off, my only responsiblity is the emails and the accounts. The accounts are usually in order and the emails are completed early on some days. When they are all completed, you sit there and you wait till more come in. Everyone else in the Major Accounts Department usually just party out the rest of the day. But since I'm not hired yet, I really can't stand with my title. So right now, I'm still sitting at my spot in the customer service area being the only person around without a headset on their head. Why they can't move me into the same department now? Who knows.

Anyways, here is the issue. Only 5 months in, getting the big promotion from the bottom, and still a temp. Can anyone smell jealousy? I just found out today that there were people in the sales position of the company that has been looking for a promotion for years but have not been offered any, or rather, have not seen any offering available. And when I say years, let's say the average of people who wants a new position is about 5 years. Yes, 5 years and the only two position they had was just CSR and Sales. Nothing more. So when they saw that I was going to move up, that raised alot of WTFs.

Another thing is that the other reps that are already in Major Accounts. I've stated before that this is a position where one would bust their ass for a long time to get to, and there were many that has. All but one has been with the company for years as well, and that one person has had years of experience from another company and gotten recommendations to start out at this position. So when I moved, they were also like WTFs. All the years that they've been working means what now? Some of them looked at me and seemed like they thought, this guy is getting paid as much as I am? So even before I started, I was an outcast in the department.

Lastly, the current CSRs. In the position I'm in, I do get some envy, but most, if not all, are more proud of my success. I mean, since they were they ones I was with the entire time I've been there, they know how I "work" and they know what I can "do". And some do agree that I deserve this position. But to have me sit there and seem like I'm not doing anything is kind of like taunting them of what everyone could have, a position where one can just hang out freely and do whatever just as long as you do it. I really don't know, but this department isn't the one that concern me at all since there actually more opened to everyone than any other department.

Also, in addition to envious co-workers, there's also the issue about my title as well. Because I'm still a temp, I can't exactly be called a Major Account Rep until I'm hired. So although I'm well acquainted with my accounts and their representatives, answering their emails, and keeping their account sparkly shine, I'm not who they think they are...


Who care, right? Yeah... I wish. I've been informed that I'm still a CSR with a temporary MAR position to help them out.


And also, I do not get the privilege of where I can take a break after I'm done with my work. In fact, when I'm done, I should put on my headset again and get in the CSR queue to help them out. So yeah, double work


I'm not getting paid extra for the position I "have", and in addition, I have more work than anyone else in the entire fucking call center! Fairness... what's that?

Ugh... I only have one more month until they hire me and when they do, I should have my position validate. That is if a few things won't happen. Like they start me all over again and have go through the CSR again to move up. Or even, take the position away from me to put in someone else because it's not fair to them. That maybe understandable to a small degree. My thing is that I'm already there, I'm already taking over these accounts. They all already know me. To have that all turn around and inconvenience the customer to have them update their email address book to another person in such a short time isn't only unprofessional, it's business damaging. I mean, if I do stay, what do I do if I get those emails from the customers needing special attention. Being in the queue, I don't have time for emails. So should I just leave the email alone and hope the customer get a clue that they have someone else taking care of them? Or should I once again add more work to myself and respond to this? If I do, this is the point where I can make a case to my manager and let them know that I am not getting paid to do double work.

So honestly, I don't know. I have people hating me everywhere in the company, I don't have a pay increase, I have more work than anyone else, and my biggest thing, I have school. Is this really worth all the stress with everything that is already given with my education? Why should I bother? But here what I'll say now. When I do get hired, that MAR position better be mine.

tl;dr - HAHAH Promotion?? Wuht???

And yeah, I can't sleep because I have this on my mind. I really need to sleep so that I can go to class tomorrow.
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