Please pardon me...

May 09, 2012 01:04

...for I seem to "still" be under the weather.

It is an unfortunate thing, but it is what it is.

I seem to spend a lot of time in bed. I also spend a lot of time in head. But, I suppose, the later is entirely part of the human experience.

I am, on the whole, well.

I am, on the whole, avoiding that final hole.  (Y'all with me here?)  I don't expect that this is the final entry, but, to be honest, I have had a conversation where instructions were passed where a last entry might be made.

If Y'all care, do...please...stay tuned.

I know I will.

I'll give you this.

"Welcome to sunny California....please dress warm!"

Winter left early, so it might be a dry year...not a good thing.

Summer came fire, if you like that sort of thing, might be a bit more prominent in the news.

Save the last two days, it's been terribly warm during the  day and wildly good sleeping weather at night. Meaning ...cold but not frigid. (Don't go out at night in short sleeves...K?)

Anyhow...gas had been $3.99 for about a month and has dropped $0.14 nationwide recently, but because California, God bless the mindless souls here, has it's own formula, the price spicked to $4.07 (for cash) or $4.14 on plastic.

But there is good news...

.....can I back to you that last?

I am about to score a marriage for one of the offspring. This is a Martha Stewart "good thing". Of all my kids, this is the first. So, for all that I =think= I'm doing well, there are several kids who didn't take to whole traditional thing. Still, as a consolation, the others are overtly gay and none of them have produced progeny, for whom my saintly mother would have had some words of "dis-approbation" (you are welcome).

By the way, I came across a kid who didn't know what a "Mobius strip" was....even without the oumlaut. This was a sad moment for me. But, being a hero, of a sort, I overcame and made him one...explained about it's uniqueness.....and  Mobius. He is now a better human being because of me ....and I can rest peacefully for it. Or not.

Try this: Check out my recipe for pizza dough, or any recipe you like.
Here's the kick: After first rise, freeze it. Then, when you're ready, defrost it...depending on dough ball size, 3-4 minutes in the microwave, turn and repeat....THIS IS AT DEFROST LEVELS....Not cook, K?

Anyhow....after that, if it's thawed all the way,  let it rest at room temp...that cold shit is hard on the fingers.

When Ready, roll out the dough to @ 1" or there abouts. Place on aluminum foil, on a cookie or baking sheet. Cut the dough into @ 1" strips...take olive oil and brush the whole mess...sprinkle garlic powder....sprinkle (lightly) dry basil, and if you're feeling festive, some of that dry parmesean crap in a tube/can. bake at 400 to 450F for 8-14 (you -haveta- check so it doesn't burn, K?).... then serve with some caned or bottled pizza sauce as a dip. Trust me...if it's warm, people will think you're the next Iron Chef. IT's no-shit that good....and that easy.


Without going Edward R. Murrow on you, I would like to report the bad-news, good-news: After a -long- dry spell, and for none-of-your-business-reasons, Felashe and I have a sex life! (the bad news was that we didn't, but let's not dwell). The really good news is: for, obviously, entirely pysch reasons, Viagra didn't work for me. Now it do. -And-, ta-da, it seems to work for her....and this is good because I'm to old to look for a a long term relationship replacement...(at least for now...)

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