If you thought Jack forgot Saint Patrick's day, then you're horribly mistaken! Upon first waking up, not much appears to be different. However, if one listens closely enough, the tinkling sound of laughter makes itself apparent--after all, faes are always more mischievous than shy. Each room inhabited by a denizen of the castle contains a small leather satchel, filled with chocolate coins. Everyone is also treated to their own miniature rainbow, leading in through their window and ending on their cocoa treat to keep with the "end of the rainbow" tradition! The public places of the school are full of lighthearted cheer, accompanied by faerie rings, more rainbows, shimmering patches of air, and lush patches of clovers strewn about at random. Of course, stepping into the mushroom circles grants extremely good luck, the shimmering patches often predict the presence of a Leprechaun, and the clover patches might just have some four leafed treasures hiding within. The revelries don't end here, either: No matter where you go today, the
sounds of traditional Irish folk music follow--not loud enough to be intruding, but just prominent enough to make you want to twirl and reel with the nearest partner.
As if all of this weren't enough, the Aquarius statue is pouring a brown, cold, frothy liquid--perhaps the adults at Zenithia would recognize the heady stout as the fine brew called Guinness? And along the lines of nourishment, the main dish at dinner will be corned beef and cabbage--as if that were some great surprise.
Otherwise, everything...is green. Even some of the people living at Zenithia! Why? Well, Jack DID think it was a good idea to set some 'wee folk' loose on the school grounds... And my, those Leprachauns are cheeky buggers.
Friends! I'm sorry for not telling you in advance, but it's St. Patrick's Day! That's right, today is a day of celebrating traditional Irish customs and dancing and mystery and luck and drinking! Allow me to educate those of you who are a mite unfamiliar with such a day as this~
There was a man who lived in Ireland named Saint Patrick. Well, he wasn't a saint at the time, but he was a Welshman who was the bishop of Ireland, and his mission was to convert the pagan Irish to his religion--Christianity. He was rather good at his job. You see, there is one rumor where Saint Patrick was giving a sermon on a hillside that drove all of the snakes out of Ireland forever! Another story was that he was attempting to describe his God to the people of Ireland, explaining that God had three parts of the same whole, just like the three leaves of the shamrock that made up one plant. What a cunning analogy, no?
Of course, Ireland would not be Ireland without the magic hiding in its emerald hills~ Leprachauns are a type of faerie known as "lobaircin," or "small-bodied fellow." You should remember that if you come across one today, be very careful! They're more mischievous than Lock, Shock, and Barrel combined. They would love nothing more than to trick you. This isn't to say one of these fellows might take a shine to you and give you something nice, like a nugget of gold...so be very nice to the Leprachauns you might meet today!
There you have it, friends. I encourage all of you to enjoy yourselves as best as you can--after all, Ireland is just as magical and mysterious as a place such as this, so I believe that Zenithia and Saint Patrick's Day go perfect together~
[[OOC: Alright folks, sorry I had to backdate. I got caught up with other things! Feel free to make backdated journals if you'd like. Perhaps a few of you could wake up with characters who have turned completely green, since there are tricky little Leprechauns running about. Also, there are faeries for your characters to meet, small
faerie rings around the school, shamrock patches, and four-leafed clovers to find! Have some fun with this, it's pretty low-key and open for interpretation.]]