Jun 07, 2006 18:55
It's pronounced 'Me-row'
If I had a 'main' muse, it would be him. Based entirely off of Nami's teenage son in the game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
Dresses accordingly to whatever bizarre era the current RP is set in. Typically fifteen years old. Red, untidy, straight hair, blue eyes that reflect a healthy modicum of intelligence, and absoltely no known or implied fighting talent whatsoever.
Being only a regular human, he typically can only manage regular-human feats. One positive point to him seems to be his resourcefulness, as throughout the Fanfic that shaped most of his character, he underwent four changes of form or personality altogether (though he likely couldn't repeat most of them. One involved being imbued by the power of nature and another involved two Keyblades...) and was able to, one way or another, put them to use without much difficulty.
He's the son of a dark, mysterious, antisocial, intelligent mother and an outgoing, happy-go-lucky, completely idiotic father with an infamous lack of foresight. Though he grudges his similarities to his mother, he grudges his father's similarities even more.
Companion (whether it be good friend, friend, soul-partner-thing, or former hated enemy) of Matthew, William, Kate, and Hugh (in that order, by the way).
melancholy little red haired country boy