Mar 22, 2016 14:11
This guy was looking at himself in the locker room mirror (which I swear is skewed to make you look squat and skinny) for five minutes fixing his hair and I'm sittin here asking how sweaty I look.
Man, I was thinking today how you can be polite to the point of being rude. But honestly, I want to tell S that right NOW at this point in my life, I'm not doing the coy thaaaang. It's not working for me. But of course, what I actually want to say to clear the air and would be beneficial to everyone, there is no POLITE way to say it. You sound like some impatient bastard or some creepy fuck but either way YOU JUST CANT. it's ridiculous. Because either a. She's so polite she won't tell me off or b. Is rude to the point of politely telling me off. Or c., ultimately, is being demure which, is high school tactic. Give me an adult relationship. 25, excuse me, is too fucking old to play this tired ass game. Yeah, senior year of high school whatever, but now, be honest.
Then again, maybe I should take my own advice and be honest with her but I really have to get to the weight room, sitting silently in the locker room looks like I'm propositioning which, yeah, if Ryan Gosling walked in.