Dec 21, 2004 14:02
Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I've been super busy. I'm back in florida,sarasota to be more specific. I was supposed to arrive on saturday night but my plane broke so my flight was delayed. I got to stay in this really bitchin hotel and eat some really nice food, so I wasn't too miffed about the delay. THe flight was long about 9 hours from Manchester to Phillidelphia and 2 hours from phillidelphia to Tampa. On the flight from Manc to philly I entertained myself by watching harrypotter 3(big disappointment) and listening to Brandy and Radiohead.When I got to philly I was really disapointed about being home, the [people were rude to me, they charged for a baggage cart($3 I only had 2) And I immediately wanted to go back to england. The people who worked at the airport were so rude to me, like doing their job was some great big burden. I got "home" to my grandma's house and it didn't feel at all like I thought it would,it felt like I had been gone for years,not months, my stuff had been totally mistreated while I was away and so much had changed. My family proceeded to treat me like I was some great big loser who had made some huge mistake by leaving. I felt like absolute crap(the jet lag probably didn't help)THe next day I got up and proceeded to job hunt.(jet lag and all) by tuesday I was sitting in the Golden Apple Dinner Theatre waiting for my friend Alice who knew of a lead on a job busing tables. When Alice walked in I finally felt the feeling I was expecting to feel when I got home, overwhelming joy!!! She looked so beautiful,she had grown so much and yet she was still familiar(I forgot how sexy she was) It felt like all of a sudden I was surrounded by beautiful people who loved and believed in me. I decided that I needed to live in sarasota so...I've moved in to Adelaide's house with Annette(Adelaide's super cool mom) and I've got a job busing Tables at the Golden Apple. So I've been here a week and I feel like I'm off to a good start,it finally feels good to be home.
P.S. be nice to people who have to ride bikes,we're not all homeless drunks,some of us just can't afford cars. :-)