"To do" list (This is for me.)

Nov 21, 2004 19:47

I@m hoping that if I document it I'll be more likely to suceed.

-First, I need to get a job. After 6months of not being able to work I crave a routine and income so much, I'm willing to work at Taco Bell.

-Next, I'm going to legally change my name. Once I have an income I'll once again be saving up again. Life is meaningless to me if I'm not saving up for something.

-After that I@m going to record my Demo for LIPA at A friends studio. There were complications with the demo I recorded here so I'm thinking it might be better to wait till i get home where I have access to the tools needed to reord a decent demo.

-After I send off my 3 song demo for LIPA I Plan on recording a 10 Track CD to give out at performances.

-By the way I plan on performing my music for money or something like it, My goal is to perform 3 times at Sacred Grounds before summer starts.

- I need to start taking voice and piano lessons, Better late than never.

- I want to save up for a video camera to film my performances so I can critique myself and Improve my teqnique.

-I hope to save up enough to buy an Apple Mac Laptop. There Cheaper to buy in America and I can use them to download music and play my dvd's when I go abroad for University. Apple Macs are suposedly the best at fighting viruses.

I'll probably be adding to this later I know I had mor then trhis when I was going over it in my head(this is why I'm writing it down)
Now that I've written it down it seems silly,but I think it'll really help when I loose ambition.
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