Live Journal 2006!!

Jan 31, 2006 14:06

Ahhh live journal ...... What can be said about you???? For many years I have felt extremely corney writing in this and now due to complete boredom i have decided to make yet another post. What has gone on in my life you ask???? Nothing!!! Nothing except a mental transformation that has taken place in my mind subconsciously.. I truely believe it to be a midlife crisis without the crisis, more like a point of enlightenment and self content. My entire college career has rushed past me and i have tried my hardest to make it go that way. Now i sit here knowing that I only have 3 months left of it. Am i sad you ask? NO!! am i happy about it??? NO... There are things I liked about it and things i didnt like, but life is not about having the perfect college experience or being the best at something.... Its about seeing the beauty in everyday life and being content in what you do finding your nitch and doing the best you can. I have never been one to get strait As and i believe my gpa is about 2.8 to 3.0. I only work on the weekends and have plenty of time to do all of my work and get As if i wanted to... Do i do this? NO, ill go out with my friends and drink, watch movies, listen to music, play guitar and waste time and i dont regret any of it. Why? because thats life and thats what i do...... I dont feel the need to get As or join clubs or make a million dorky college friends. I have my good friends I know what i like and i enjoy it. I believe the guitar is the most beautiful powerful instrument in the world.. I truely enjoy playing it learning it, watching masters of guitar play, and have built up quite the collection of CDs and music DVDs. Watching a man like Jimmy Page play in the Led Zeppelin collection that was recently released ( i highly reccoment buying) makes you realize the true discipline and art that is involved in playing that instrument. I have also grown quite fond of acoustic music and blues ( anyone who likes blues should check out joe bonamassa who i believe to be the best most creative blues guitar player of today- he also lives in utica - Aside from music I also love skiing, working out, watching movies, and even reading books, especially autobiographies of interesting people such as malcolm x or jim morrison. All of these things i believe are beautiful things in life that people take for granted. Im not trying to get people to think im a slacker but i just want to state that i dont care about the traditional view that people are supposed to work as hard as they can at school and work and constantly try to out do others and compete in these things. Fuck that ... I believe that life is for living and enjoying and exploring everything reading different books, listening to different music, hanging out with different people, learning different hobbies and finding what you like. Work wont make you happy, school wont make you a better person, its all about finding what you are interested in and growing a passion for it. I dont intend on going to grad school, I know if i applied myself i could go to a great school, get a great job and bust ass all my life but that doesnt appeal to me. Life has too much to offer. I plan on getting a decent job getting a house with my beautiful girl friend, exploring different places, enjoying friends, and making new friends, and living an interesting life.. THere is beauty and art in everything you just must look for it and find what is most beautiful to you......

Until next time live journal..... Farewell
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