Maftet here

Sep 07, 2007 17:03

Hi, fokes.
I towd Unko Yuko that he should post, 'cause I was too busy hiding, but he said sumfin' wike "Bah, Ham-bugs," and then went into his lair for a nap. What's a ham-bug? Is it yummy? Sounda kinda yummy.
So, anyhoo, I get to tell you about stuffs.
And our "stuffs' is that we have Cwumpany. I don't know if I wike Cwumpany, yet. It's a bit scarwy. And it is, apparwenlty, the cause of the multipuwl appearwance of the Sucky monster. So, I am thinkin' that Cwumpany might suck.
It probabwy sucks.
All I really understand, right now, is that Cwumpany means we gots a lotta new junks in our house and an extra naked lady. She smells minda funny, too. Wike foreign cats. Hmm. We gots enough cats in here right now. I don't want anymore, thanks. And I'm not gonna share my foods with anymore cats. No way.
Mr. Lev says that Cwumpany doesn't stay forever. If they did, they wouldn't be Cwumpany any more. Sounds compwicated to me.
But life is kinda compwicated, I am beginning to see.
And kinda stwessful.
But I'll be okay, as long as the Sucky monster doesn't come back.
And as long as someone fills my foods bowl soon. It's lookin' kinda empty.
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