UGH!!! I just spent like an hour uploading the pics and shit and LJ effed it all up, but here goes again...The requested pics from Bowling night! Here is the revised HOHO crew...
We honestly didn't plan this...
We took up the whole place. They even started playing Madonna cuz of all the boys in pink.
White trash night continues with bowling, beer and fries!
eviltickles gets a little help from our friend
boxxxerbriefs ,
crazysurferchik and
xstripped27x pose since their bowling skillz suck
lbfratboy double fists while
eviltickles offers a hand?
mandminla and
bonerboy share an intimate moment when they think no one is watching
doppelgang is better late than never, love your hair Jess no matter what i said!
look i won!!! OH Matt M made me wear that pink armband. "That's as gay as he will let me get"
after i won....
we grabbed some beers and headed back to MM's crib for some drinking games! Here we see MOOSE! and Urrka laffing after making me drink while judge Chris watches on...Actually i think she was laffing cuz i drank Michelob Ultra
Concentrate on the quarter, grasshoppa! And yes, he drank the whole thing. Matt looks thirtsy for foam in the upper right corner! haha
In Kings you "Take the leetle man off the top, sit him down, take a drink, then put him back on top"
Don't forget about ROB!!! They didn't have Mango twist wine coolers at the 7/11 so he didn't play. This is the end of the night for me with my glassy eyes and 10 people asking me if I can drive...
wow beer makes you look bloated. Everyone else started watching Boys gone Nuts and it was time for Matt to go home. Thanks to all for the fun night and great memories. I love you all. Can someone hand me a tissue?