Not so happy for me. I'm alone, An old friend of mine from ao and ragnarok online, who shall remain nameless (but they know who they are) is ignoring me for whatever reason. I'm running a fever, i've got a throbbing tooth pain (the nerve in the tooth is obviously bad and the tooth probably needs to be pulled and the nerve killed), and i'm having trouble sleeping because of the pain. I have to get this taken care of right away or at least get a pain killer till it can be taken care of. The pain is horrible, I can feel it all through my jaw and even other parts of my mouth, just because of one tooth. I hate teeth, the only part of the body that can cause so much pain to so many different areas of your face. So yeah other than that V-day is shaping out to be great for me. Hope the rest of you have a happy one. I sure as hell won't.
And just for the record, WHAT THE FUCK!? LMAO!
Big Black Cock
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