Apr 28, 2009 04:24
all to often i want to bash my skull into tiny pieces
my sleep schedule is so much worse and more uncontrollable
some nights (like tonight, and last night) i cant get to sleep for anything, other days i cant keep myself awake.
i go into these cold sweats, but theres not an emotion attached... not even realy a bad feeling... just this dank liquid driping from me and i guess hot flashes... like opening an oven.
my thoughts are so scatered they sound like a buzz, i cant make most of it out. it seems all i can do to think clear enough to get through.
sharp pains and maddening itching.
i get lonely easily latly... even in a room filled with people, laughing and smiling or talking and thinking, and doing it along with them... i cant help but feel alone.
no man is an island, but i dont seem to be able to see any neighboring shores.
maybe i should say fuck it and buy a damn boat