copied an introductory post i made earlier...

Jan 01, 2006 07:09

i didn't even know there were introductory posts...

Name: Fernando N
Nickname: Mr. Trouble Maker, Leo, or Fernandio
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay (like totally! :P)
Gender: Male (weeeeee *chomps ona mushroom*)

How you found out about the community:
searched in the directory, I was totally bored and just popped in "gay"...

Are you out?:
Hella yea, but not by my choice.

How you came out:
I used to (though I still drop by) go to the LGBT center in the city (New York City for you
non NYers) and one day they noticed marks on my arms. I mentioned that this was the doing of
my mother the previous night after she found out about one of my recent club outings...
mind you, I've been clubbing since ~13 y.o, and I've been really good at it, now that I'm 16
and she decides to flip is a lack of logic on her part. Well, story short, the center decided
to call child services and they informed my parents, they also mentioned that they would now
be doing an investigation on my family...
That would be the official out, the unofficial out was when I was 10, 2 years of having known
I was queer and I decided to start telling close friends, beside the fact that I was already
being teased in public.

Your goals in life:
To become the next Bill Gates. The Queer Bill Gates, without the yuppieness and more of the
kitty girl partiness.

A moment [you're] proud of:
Um... the first night I went out clubbing and succeeded. I was 13, sometime in June...
it was Krash (when Krash was in Astoria)

Your personal 'style' (Of clothing, accessories, etc.):
I'm very random. Mostly New Englander (Prep), but rather
the cliche brooklynite/queens boi style. With a heavy dash
of city (chelsea) boi, did i mentioned i lived in Chelsea
for awhile?

Your hero (Pictures are cool!):
[hover over the image to see who's who]

{For those who the alt tag isn't supported:}
Dane Cook/Houston Bernard
Angelina Jolie
Jake Gyllenhaal/Chloe Sevigney
Bill Gates
John Mayer/Madonna Ciccone
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Mariah Carey/Peaches (Merill Nisker)
Martha Stewart
Gwen Stefani/Courtney Love

Interesting facts about yourself:
I have an endless amount of talent and skills. Some yet to be found.
It's weird, especially for other folks who don't know me, and especially
for folks who don't know me and I'm doing something for the first time and
they know I'm doing this for the first time and yet I'm impeccibly skilled
at it, the shock in their face always surprises me.

I'm a social butterfly, as much as people think I'm shy. Which I'm not, I'm
not shy whatsoever. I'm just planning my next move.

I'm very self-conscious and very horoscope-/stereotype-aware. I will label
you the second I mean you, but I don't mean so in a negative way. I do so
to figure wether our meeting is worth continuing unto a relationship.

I'm VERY geeky. It's sad, as much as I may seem a party-scene freak, I lurve
to splurg all the details I know of the lastest Harry Potter fanfic, I love
to explain something I know in details, I love to just come over anytime and
fix your pc. For a price, and if you're a hawt guy, money's not the answer.

Do you have any suggestions to improve the comm?:
more updates by its members? more randomness? the new_gay_bois always has
something up and coming.

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