Hi/Ahoy (for your pirate types).
I’m back, for those of you who missed my ramblings, though I really don’t have a particularly good reason for ever being away apart form falling out of the habit of posting and working odd hours (it would help if my employer didn't shoot certain people!).
Things have settled down now, in fact while there is a certain satisfaction in chasing down corruption in the countries most prominent police force (It’s about the only job you can do in the Met and still feel like you’re a genuine Liberal) its getting a bit staid. That and if I ever want to afford to actually own somewhere rather than rent I need a payrise. So it’s off to find a nice new job (Business or risk analysis look promising.. or perhaps doing what I do now for a Bank).
I’m still entrenched in Hackney (ridiculously attached to the place, even now it’s a 12 mile trek to work each day), still living in a vast old house with six other people (A teacher, a Town Planner, A Barrister, A graduate, a empty room!) and annoyingly for me still single. The internet dating thing hasn’t quite worked out wonderfully, I can’t seem to write anything that makes me sound appealing without it sounding so clichéd or so awful that I can bare to post it. Honesty isn’t helping ether.
Still reading a lot. At the moment I am going through the work of Robin Hobb at the rate of knots (always meant to get round to her), but there is a Neil Gaiman signing in London soon so I dare say I’ll be ploughing through his new collection soon.
Right that’s enough for now, tomorrow I’ll actually try say something. For now can I just say a very happy birthday to