(no subject)

Oct 19, 2005 20:01

I hate and i mean hate this wifi router in this house, if i don;t do anything tooo major re the internet it is okay, kicks me off every few hours, how ever if i try something taxing or demanding of it, like say look at a web page then i kicks me off with every click. I think i will buy a new one soon.

Anywayz, my other news, my journey home today was altered by a course buddy wanting to look at some where down the road so i tagged along and the fact someone decided to jump in front of a train on the underground on the line i use to get home, sooo has to find a new and more interesting route.

My course is going well and i am enjoying it, in just under 12 months i will be able to tell you all about any infectious disease, some chronic diseases and autoimmunity diseases, fun fun I say, most of you will probably be bored by it but who cares this is what i want to do.

On a different note, i got a voice mail meassage from my mum saying "Oh i was just checking to see if you called i have had two missed calls, i managed to hang up on two calls" Fuck sake i have covered this if i really really want to reach her i know to call back, to try her mobile and to txt. When i was home last i got it all the time, even after i told her that she was eating up my phone credit by leaving voice messages. So then if i do ever need or want to call i wouldn't be able to, why you ask, well because all my credit would have been lost listening to "oh the phone went and i missed it. I was wondering if it was you". Now some of you may think well she is just lonely and wants to talk to me, if that is the case then fucking say so. Like the voice message i got last week, and this is gonna sound heartless i know, but it went "Oh i was just wondering if you wanted to come over this weekend" I txt'd back saying that too short notice (it was wednesday). Next morning she txt'd "Oh well i was just wondering if you would like to, i have fallen over dislocated and fractured my wrist"... FUCKING say that to start with. Don't start with all this emo shite. I later talked to her, and she had a go at me coz she is home alone with nothing to do and ill etc etc. I told i had been there. Yeah i had housemates, but if sleep during the day and are awake all night you tend to cut down exposure time also most of my house mates had lives so were out a lot. So i know what it is like. I have laid on the couch in teh front room alone ill to fuck, leading to a night in hospital due to sever dehydration.

So rant over, how do i feel at the mo re the course, i am finding it a little difficult at points, enjoying it and i like the group. But it is early days so my social side is more linited. I come home sleep and then go to Uni, i have been out a bit, got a bit weird on friday night, witha group of people worked myself up coz of someone in the group and resorted to sticking my head phones in and listening to some "My Chemical Romance", had two of my course buds ask me if i was alright, i said yeah and one said "and emotionally". Those two are really cool and good people. This reminds me i must email my refs....

So yeah i like someone on my course, i don;t know if she knows it, i am a bit of a wimp when it comes to teh first move.

Sighing out to email

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