Jul 21, 2006 16:55
Nerd Corner.
I recently was given a model of a Klingon D7, a spaceship from the original Star Trek series. I was happy to accept such a gift, as I’ve fond memories of the 60’s series and I make kit models from time to time. This one also has fairly few pieces, so it was fun, not frustrating.
Only question was the colour. From my dim memories thereof, and instructions in the kit, and Googling images on the ‘net, I came to the somewhat distressing conclusion that the original ship was painted puce! Not a colour one would ordinarily associate with an aggressive military race as Klingons were portrayed.
Whoever directed Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country must have also noticed this dilemma, and come up with a clever solution. There is a scene in which a number of Klingons are killed in zero gravity, and their blood floats globular in the air. What colour is Klingon blood?
It’s purplish mauve. That is, it’s puce. Klingons painted their ships the colour of blood.
I’ve mixed the right colour, and am happily learning to spray-paint the model with my new spray-paint gun. I also ordered the 60’s USS Enterprise on the ‘net.
Speaking of the ‘net, I wonder if the people who designed a centre-less communications web during the Cold War could have imagined the current uses the internet is being put to - everything from online sales through porn to MMORPGS.
Given that there are no obvious physical limitations to this system, can we imagine what uses it may be put to fifty years from now?