Welcome to the Dark Side!

Jun 07, 2014 15:57

Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I've spent a lot of time in the past on World of Warcraft. I enjoyed it well enough, leveling my Troll Mage Teufeltusken to 90 over the last few years. WoW's saving grace in my opinion is its scope. It feels like a world. And I loved just going off the beaten path and just exploring.

SW:TOR has a different emphasis. It has to give the impression of many worlds, without the resources that a history of 12 million subscribers gives WoW. So each world seems a bit more constrained. It is however bounds ahead in terms of story. The Lightside/Darkside points underline the black-and-white Star Wars morality. And playing a Sith Sorcerer brings some of the same experience I had playing Vampire: The Masquerade; the thrill of vicarious, imaginary Evil.

I've mentioned the dialogue before: wonderful snarky British voice-acting. The non-Sith paths are voiced by Americans; but the fact the dialogue is acted, rather than just print on screen, adds another dimension. It also lets them do that Star Wars thing of aliens speaking audibly alien languages, with English subtitles. (There must be some marvel of magic tech that is never mentioned that allows everyone to be taught a dozen languages in childhood.)

warcrack, nerd-fu, cyborg relations

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