Jul 04, 2010 20:41
Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times
I generally don't watch episodes multiple times, even of shows I extremely enjoy. My guess is the closest I'd come to this is Once More, With Feeling. My sister used to run her Buffy DVDs back to back nonstop all day everyday. And I think I've seen it that way multiple times.
Day 13 - Favourite childhood show
How far back? I have fond memories of watching Marine Boy as a small child, and Six Million Dollar Man as a young teen. But I think the gong has to go to The Thunderbirds. I can still hum the awesome theme tune, and the sight of those marvellous machines going through their paces, and the fantastic future they inhabited, was just mind blowing. Sure, the puppet-people didn't convince me, but who cared? There were mega-space-planes and super subs and ultra fast trains and a Rolls Royce with six wheels and submachine guns!