May 16, 2009 09:46
Just to add to what I was saying in my last post, when I talk about 'letting go' I don't mean 'getting rid of'. It's not the same thing at all.
When you 'let go' of something you just allow it to move from where you've been trying to keep it, to where it more naturally is in relation to your life now. Usually that does involved a bit of moving away and that's why people don't like to do it because they feel that initial drift apart and it panics them.
I suppose that one way to do this would be to change the way that you think about the whole thing. As trite as it sounds, the old 'is the glass half empty or half full' question is a good one to apply in a case like this because that's almost exactly what you are working with with loss.
With the 'half empty' mentality, you are looking at your loss in terms of what you don't have anymore and everything that you'll never have again. With the 'half full' mentality you are seeing the beauty of what you did have and all of the wonderful memories you still have and will always possess.
From this perspective you can see how the exact same memory can either be a source of pain or a source of joy; a marker of emptiness or a still vital possession.