Feb 20, 2004 21:18
Hey guys...
I already typed up a whole big update and accidentally erased it all >< (thanks for the face Sara!) So...here I'll try and do it with the same zest and new energy as I started off with...
I have been told that I need to update my livejournal SO BAD that SOME FRIENDS (and girlfriends) felt the need to FORCE ME to update AGAINST MY WILL (when I could much more easily and comfortably do it at home on the couch, which I may do later to expand on the ideas expressed herein). NEVERTHELESS I shall update my liverjournal, despite the fact that I typed all of this before and it got erased, and DESPITE the fact that I am using a keyboard that I am not used to (yes I'm being whiny). NOw to start...
MY love life...love life? I'm kidding you right? I kid you not! I am now going out with the beautiful, talented, sexy, smart, expressive, wonderful, charming, ever-so-kind, ever-so-loving, and did I say sexy?, GORGEOUS Sarah. I am very lucky to have her, and I look forward to a great future with her, as well as an exciting present.
I am back in Houston, I am not sure if I said that already in a previous post or not, but I am. OF course, it won't take long for me to get back out and advocating in Houston again, in fact I look forward to it. That's something I'll update or expand upon later.
I'm working part time for my Dad running errands for the law firm...they say Im useful and I hope I am. I just felt wrong living off of my Dad...and he offered me the job, so that's what I do. It brings in good pocket cash, and lessens the blow as far as living expenses go, and it's jsut something to hold me over until I figure out what to do with my life.
College--recently I got involved in the Houston COmmunity College Student Government ASsociation and United Student COuncil (which is a collaberation of all 5 Hosuton Community College SGA's). Im excited to be a part of it and am very slowly but surely getting involved in that stuff...I will probably take on a couple of leadership positions starting next fall, elections start this spring...AND some of the positons I will be running for are PAID positions (which will bring in a little dough).
Now, what am I doing for my main focus in life? The Progression of people with disabilities? RIght now I am mostly just getting involved in new organizations and intiatives and trying to make an impact that way. For a while I was really feeling like I wasn't making much of a difference or really being productive, but things are getting better, I am getting more inv0lved and getting somewhere and things are getting busy. I love being busy. Sarah says she doesn't know how I do it but honestly I couldn't imagine my life anything but being busy. I am happy when I am busy as hell, almost to the extent of being overwhelmed. How do I keep things in order? WEll sometimes I don't *blush* but I do have a handy-dandy organizer that I use to keep my life in mild disarray as opposed to utter chaos. Otherwise it's my brain that does the rest of the work :)
WEll...I'll expand more later...PEople are starting to look at me funny :-\ Look for another update later tonight.
Peace and Out,