Wizards of the Coast announced 4th edition D&D at GenCon.
Which shouldn't be too surprising. Several of the recent supplements have had the same "trying out a lot of crazy stuff" that you got in late 2nd ed stuff, when they were creating 3rd edition.
What makes me interested is
this article with an (unsourced) claim that "Concepts for 4th Edition gameplay were tested in [...] the Book of 9 Swords." Being that that my favorable opinion of that supplement makes my wife jealous (true story!), I'll be interested to see how radical the changes are to the system. I'm hoping for at least as radical of a redesign as we saw between 2nd and 3rd, but I expect a smaller revision, more like that between 1st and 2nd.
There's no way either WLD group will finish before next summer, so I wonder what will happen there. Converting the dungeon would be a lot of effort - and half the point of playing the WLD was less GM prep required.