Livejournal virgin, here.....

Jan 06, 2012 20:44

This is my first ever livejournal post, and my first try writing for this fandom. Feedback is great, but please try and be kind :)

This is sort-of-Kradam, and not really beta'd, so, yeah. Anyways...

Scenes from the end of a marriage...

“You love him.” A statement, not a question.


“Wow,” she replied carefully. “I mean, I knew you loved him, but...”

“I’m in love with him.”



Taking a deep breath, Katy sighed and sat on the coffee table in front of her ex-husband’s recliner. Leaning forward, she took his hand in hers; an act that was still second nature to them both, even though the ink had been dry on their divorce for months.

“So, what does this mean?” she asked.

“It doesn’t mean anything,” Kris huffed in frustration. “Maybe, if I had realized sooner how I felt,’s too late.”

Moving closer still, Katy asked, “What finally made you figure it out?”

“Ran into him last week; he introduced me to Sauli.” Katy gave him a sympathetic smile and he had to turn away. He could feel the unshed tears fighting to fall and he didn’t want to cause her any more pain. The separation and divorce had taken a toll on them both, and they’d had to work very hard to salvage the friendship they once shared.

“I don’t know,” Kris continued as he gathered his thoughts. “Maybe I’ve known all along, maybe I couldn’t accept what I was feeling as real. Maybe, if I had acknowledged my feelings sooner, we could have...”

“Kris, please don’t,” Katy begged, shaking her head. “Don’t blame yourself for what happened between us. We both let our marriage fall apart, and neither of us was willing to fight for it. I don’t blame you, and I won’t blame Adam.”

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Kris nodded in agreement. He knew deep down that she was right; there were so many things that had come between them. He still couldn’t pinpoint just one thing or even the exact moment he knew it was over.

“Do you really think it’s too late?” Katy asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

Kris took a moment, wondering if there was any chance at all that he might be able to win back the heart of the man he had been friends with for so long.

“Yeah, I do. I mean...I knew they were together, but it kinda wasn’t real, you know? But seeing them together- Adam really loves this guy, Katy. He’s happy.”

Nodding, she asked, “So what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know. Be his friend, I guess. Try and be happy for him, and maybe eventually I really will be.”

Katy smiled at him once more before standing and making her way to the door. He followed behind her, wishing there was some way he could go back and do the last few years over again. He startled when Katy turned suddenly and threw her arms around his neck.

“I’m so proud of you, Kristopher Allen,” she whispered in his ear before kissing him tenderly on the cheek. “He’s lucky to have you for a friend, and so am I.”

For the first time in a long time, Kris was hopeful that everything would be okay. Maybe he couldn’t be with Katy or Adam, but at least he still had them both in his life. And someday, maybe he’d find someone new to share his life with.

saulbert, kradam

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