Erin's Super One Direction Fic Rec list!

Sep 13, 2020 14:19


*Note: it's looking like I will have to break this into two posts at some point. If that happens it will probably be one post of H/L recs, and the other post with all other pairings!


aimmyarrowshigh at higherarrowsfic
May You Enjoy Your New Life It begins for them all at the bungalow. The epic 262k fic, or 'Millie!fic'. F-locked. Join community to read.
Aphrodisiac De-anon'd from the kmeme. Chef!AU. The day he made roasted asparagus tips wrapped in Serrano ham with lemon aïoli, Louis knew: Harry Styles was trying to seduce him.

Through the Darkest of Your Days "Harry thinks he might not really know what okay is, but Louis is warm next to him, solid and constant and questioning. He’s all wide eyes and nerves and vulnerability. And this feels alright, this might be some sort of okay, Harry thinks." Future!fic, roadtrip!fic, OT5 friendship!fic.
Only Several Miles From the Sun It started with a walk and unexpected rain and Babs. It started with a smile and green eyes and a bag of warm apple cinnamon muffins. Actually, it started with the bakery. Bakery AU
Of a Definitive Nature There are the generic, simple answers to interview questions. And then there are the real ones.
I'll Carry a Blanket and Keep You Safe With Me Louis buys them His and Hers blankets. It turns into A Thing.

Tangerine Fizz Harry and Louis, Louis and Harry, and the disintegration of their innocence.
St.Peter's Verse St.Peter's Verse: Putting this under Harry/Louis, but some of the one shots are Liam/Zayn, or Niall/Gemma. at a exclusive, wealthy musical boarding school, louis is reckless, popular and ringleader of the golden boys. he meets and regrettably falls for harry, a sophomore with not enough innocence and too much talent. zayn is a junior heartthrob, niall is captain of every team imaginable, and liam just tries not to worry too much.

likecharity at fic community itunescuddle
horizontal like a quarter to three The worst part is that Louis just wants to get really rough with him. He's wanted it right from the start, and it doesn't make sense, because Harry's always been so gentle and understanding and sweet, and yet all Louis wants to do is fuck him up.
leave you drowning until you reach for my hand If Louis told him to do something that he really didn't want to do, it would be different, but Louis's never done that, never asked anything of Harry that he couldn't handle. Except-except maybe this; to obey him without praise, reward, approval, or even mere acknowledgement. (~16,500 words)
as loud as lions Coming out!fic.
slippage and the sequel, settlement OT5 undertones.
the hunger in my heart Harry and Louis fall for each other during The X Factor and have difficulty doing anything about it.
*NOTE:there is a TON of good 1D fic by this author. This is just a sampling of my faves

heartroots at fic community rootedhearts
to be the friction in your jeans Harry is an exhibitionist. He gets up to shenanigans. H/L + OT5

Even the wrong words seem to rhyme Harry's like a fire that will burn down the city.

you'll know it's just for you He wished he could be as brave as Harry, as bold as Harry - as willing to defy gravity and break all the rules and just let them be together. (coming out!fic)

C'mon Miracle The last year has been more than getting four best mates; it's getting four people who let him be what he wants, who let him fuck everything up and would help him do it, too. And when Harry looks down at him, shadowed by his mess of curls, and Louis leans up and kisses him, it really does feel like sometimes there needs to be more than two people in this relationship to make it work.

folkloric_feel at fic comm. theborogoves
a chance of overtime, say, my place at nine Louis' found his soulmate, and everything's splendid except for a few small issues: he's never met him, only spoken to him once, and only knows him by the sound of his voice, which he'll probably never hear again. But other than that, everything's working out just fine.

LittleMousling at AO3
Hiding Out in the Kitchen Harry's in an internationally famous boyband with his three best mates, he gets laid on a pretty regular basis, and he's headed to Australia in a week. He doesn't need anything else, and he certainly doesn't need a boyfriend. If this nice guy he met in a coffeeshop wants to date him, great-but that's all it is. Right?
Nice Boy Seeks Same for Hook-Up Louis wants to lose his virginity but doesn't want anyone at school to know he's gay. In order to finally get with a guy, he posts an ad on Craigslist. Harry Styles answers.
Stand Up Louis has one technique, and only one, for getting someone to like him: making them laugh. He’s used it since he was in year five, and he can’t say it’s really worked all that well, but it works better than not trying at all. The thing is, though, Louis has made Harry laugh loads of times, and it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.

Many the Miles Louis would be embarrassed by how his voice goes all low and husky, but it’s no secret between the two of them that he likes to leave marks. They both do; bites and bruises, slow kisses sucked into one another’s skin as a visible reminder of their time together.
we rest our heads upon one pillow Sometimes Zayn aches for something like what Louis and Harry have.
All I Want Christmas fic.

Just a touch of fire Louis doesn’t notice when his hands first begin to stray more and more often to the soft skin under Harry’s shirt, or when his constant touches first become something more akin to instinct rather than habit, frequently kneading at the boy’s abdomen before even realizing he’s began doing so at all.

perfectlystill at fic community incoherent_muse
codename: boogie nights He wants to smile across the line and tell Louis he loves him and that it’s okay if Louis doesn’t want to find a way to meet up, it’s okay if Louis doesn’t miss him the same way, it’s okay if they don’t see each other until they see the other guys. He wants to do that more than anything else if it’ll make Louis happy. But he’s tired and the sun in California is too bright and it burns, makes his skin itchy and his head pound. Date Night fic.

and mercury on your heels Harry and Louis take a road trip.
to be a fool Size difference kink.

vlieger at AO3 or goalposts_fic(members only community)
are you catchin' all these tracks that i'm laying down for you the guys try to get harry and louis to shag. for the good of the band. Also, a sequel:  just trying to find some room for our knees
high in the theatre
the stars in your eyes light up the sky harry is a solo popstar. louis accidentally wins a competition to meet him.
if it ain't coming out, we're not going anywhere Future-fic.

and words are futile devices

stylinsons at AO3
love me like you do AU. Popstar!Louis, Beard!Harry
scared that i couldn't find all the answers, honey In which Niall writes Larry Stylinson fanfiction. THIS IS AN ALL TIME FAVE OF MINE

comme des enfants louis wears aiden's big cardigans and works at a coffee shop and drinks too much yorkshire tea. harry's just trying to write his novel. (coffee shop AU)

don't give up on us quite yet and the sequel,  you be the motive and i'll be the gun Restaurant AU.
sing along and it might just get you through AU. what happens when a northern indierocker stumbles across a teenybopper popstar in the middle of the street in manchester, basically.
blackjacks running down my back Uni/Radio AU, now with a sequel, many moons have come and gone.

pendules at fic comm. retorico
set all my regrets on fire AU. Harry's in an indie rock band, and Louis is Britain's hottest new popstar. They don't meet by coincidence.

Avis at AO3, aka fr333bird
Closer to God Louis's easily the more dominant one in his and Harry's relationship - except in bed, where Harry takes complete charge. And Louis fucking loves it.
Because the world needs more than one Harry Styles Sixteen year old Harry is transported forward in time from the X-factor house, ending up in the present in Louis and Harry's flat. Shenanigans of a sexual nature ensue.

Come Together Harry likes to play with come. Louis has no problems with that.
Open Arms Christmas at Tomlinson's didn't turn out the way anyone had hoped.

rhrj at one_d_fanwork
A Lack of Understanding AU. Harry doesn't talk but Louis doesn't need him to.

unevenfootsteps at the fic community uneven_fic
to build a home A story about a broken boy and the boy who falls in love with him. | warning: drug use, alcohol use, religious undertones, homophobia, angst, & Harry tears.

think lovely, wonderful thoughts His favorite of these stories, the one he loved like it had been stitched into is skin, was the story about a boy who never grew up. (Peter Pan AU).
our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood; forever in the stars (astronaut AU. Warning for character death.)

brownheadedstranger (tumblr)
No Strings Attached Summary: Louis is a single father, and Harry is a former X Factor contestant coming to terms with his fading 15 minutes of fame. When they meet, neither one of them is looking for anything beyond a casual relationship - no strings attached.
It's All Coming Back to Me Now Summary: It’s a cold winter’s night when Harry starts thinking about him again.
*NOTE: I'll read pretty much anything from this author. Check out her other stories!

TheWhiteToymaker (tumblr)
Happy Thoughts "Friends with benefits." One of the first 1D fics I ever read. Still hot.
Beloved Summary: Louis gets hurt and there’s subsequent drama.

ithinkhesalwayswonderful (tumblr)
For Angels to Fly Summary: Louis isn’t in love with a guy and Harry doesn’t need saving. Neither of these things end up being entirely true. (Hooker!AU)

larrying at tumblr
whatever a sun will always sing, part 1part 2, and part 3 harry is sixteen and lonely and louis has the bluest eyes he’s ever seen.


And show me why you deserve to have it all genetics could go eat a dick as far as harry is concerned. he just wishes he still had one. (mutantgene!harry, temporary genderswap.) NOTE: ONLY GENDERSWAP FIC I HAVE EVER READ. IT'S INCREDIBLY HOT.

harriet_vane at AO3
Just Smile Harry and Niall decide to go to the prom just as friends. It doesn't work out quite as planned.

but we are hiding in a safer place They’ve grown intertwined during the years until it feels like Niall fills in all the kinks in his armour. (UNI!AU)

estrella30 at AO3
I Can Be Your New Addiction And that’s another problem. Harry is way too aware of Niall right now to get entirely comfortable.

knottle at fic community knottlefic
Anyway, We're Still So Young Cross-dressing!Niall
Do Me Good Girl!Niall,(apparently I read genderswap in this pairing, now)

words_unravel at AO3
like your favorite tune It's just another summer for Harry - an unexpected flat mate, Louis being an idiot, and Liam hiding away in Wolverhampton...okay, maybe not just a typical summer then.


rise from your burning fiat louis and zayn have always been best friends and they always will be, no matter how much time they let pass. (high school AU)
if not the happiest, surely the luckiest Boarding school AU.

heartroots at AO3
Get You Going Like Rimming fic of doom.


the joker and the thief Louis steals a little piece of everyone who means something, but he never takes anything from Liam.

neverhadthewords at tumblr
Johnnie Walker Blueberries This is what happens when you take two idiots and let them fall in love over stupid love notes and pastries. (bakery!AU)

the words are written in the air Liam’s only ten, two years since he’s mother passed, when his dad remarries and he’s introduced to Louis.
stitching up the seams It’s never easy to forget but at least Louis’ stopped fighting it, broken bones and split skin does that. (bodyguard!AU)
and your teeth marks in my skin He’s twenty three, one of the youngest leading detectives in this department - he’s worked so fucking hard to get here - he will not be unravelled by a stupid author in stripes and suspenders (Castle!AU)
when i'm with you It doesn't help that he's already half in-love with Louis and capable of spontaneously losing his speech around him. (coffeeshop!AU)

restart the heart you gave me (future fic)

I Wanna Settle Down In which Liam does not realise he's been dating Louis.

Get to Know You Louis just wants to slip between Liam's layers and find whatever it is that's eating away at him inside and cut it out like the tumor it so obviously is.(aka- the 'teeny peen' fic.)

Someone Like You A high school AU in which no one goes to school, ever. Liam has a crush, and then he runs into his crush at a party, and everything gets very complicated.

It's Wrong to Wish on Space Hardware" AU. Pining!Liam

lazy_daze at AO3
Better Than Love Knotting!fic. I didn't know what it was either. But it was fucking HOT.

estrella30 at AO3
Worth The Wait Hooker!AU
you took me by surprise liam is a famous athlete and louis is a professional escort. And then things happen.
look at the stars, look how they shine for you (Pining!Liam AU)

badjujuboo(miztrezboo) at AO3
kiss me slowly High school AU.


we were just kids in love 'it's just Liam and Zayn and red dirt and the hot sun and a whole new uncharted world of music.' (alternatively, One Direction at Warped Tour)
Open your eyes, I'll keep mine closed. 'Liam isn't quite certain what it is which makes him agree to this crazy, masochistic plan of Zayn's..'

the difference between knowing and knowing (amnesia!fic)

pendules at fic comm. retorico
wished upon parallel lines (performing arts school AU)

jannika who writes the BEST AUs, mostly from Zayn's POV at theborogoves
Cold Gym Floor Honeymoons High School Marching Band AU, and now with a sequel,  With Affection, I Promise
Tuned Into My Frequency Former Child Star AU.
a Bench, a Basement, a Tattoo Parlor, a Stage, and the Seeds of Revolution. High School AU. In which Liam joins a band, makes friends, gets a boyfriend, and becomes some sort of revolutionary, all in a month's time.

My Lungs and Your Lilac Eyes This is a love story. It’s an accident, mostly. Nearly all of them are.


badjujuboo at theboofanfic
The Difference Between First and Second He is happy. Really. He is happy for Louis. Happy for Harry. Happy for them. Happy for himself. Until he's not.
Glitter In the Dark the one where Harry is in a slightly big Indie Rock band and Liam is the friend with benefits who tries to want nothing more than Harry can give. And fails badly.

Corner Of Your Heart (Just For Me) and the sequel, Stolen Keys Harry Styles meets Liam Payne one night in the rain.

daisysusan at AO3
change your fingers touch Liam knew better than to listen when Louis suggested a fling as a way to get over a breakup. He really, really did. (Spoilers: he did it anyway.)(high school AU)
never looked surprised Harry's going to be a good friend now Liam's got a broken wrist and can't get himself off. Really. That's all he's doing.

unclean, rotten, endless This is not a love story. Harry Styles plays the violin; Liam Payne plays the piano. Their best friends are in this kind of love that leaves more scars than anything else. They don't fall in love.

estrella30 at AO3
If I Was Your Boyfriend, I'd Never Let You Go Harry pretends to be Liam's boyfriend.


Heart Skips a Beat Harry always kisses everyone, until he starts something he can't finish. (A university AU in which no one goes to class.)

all the cities i've been to don't compare(to you) zayn the popstar meets pretty french waiter harry.

estrella30 at AO3
if you never let me go, well I will never let you down the thing was, it was never supposed to be a thing


Blood/Bones Niall teaches Zayn how to fight. (popstar!Zayn/boxer!Niall AU) and the sequels,  Heart/Heavy and  smoke/skin.

brokendrums at AO3
How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep Niall has insomnia. Zayn vows to cure it.


(you are) my sunshine because this is a kind of illness love alone cannot heal.

brokendrums at AO3
Build Me Back Up Future!fic. Liam's attempts at a solo career beyond One Direction are failing and he hasn't spoken to any of them in two years, until Niall is drafted in to help him in the studio.


The Miseducation of Harry Styles Nick makes Harry a mix tape, falls in love with him, and has a nervous breakdown (not necessarily in that order).

cyclogenesis at AO3
shine a light through It’s just that Harry moaned one time about the early light through the windows, and it doesn’t make much difference to Nick anyway, he’ll be up before dawn soon enough on a daily basis. (literal curtain!fic, I'm not even kidding.)

youshouldletmalikyou or 'lucy' at tumblr
funny cute and kissable

crucios at AO3
i should ink my skin with your name the one where everyone but them knows they're dating.

estrella30 at AO3
you can trust me not to think Harry goes on a date and Nick gets jealous.
it had to be you
Walking on Sunshine Harry misses Nick while he's rehearsing at the VMA's. It's probably a good thing that Nick seems to miss him right back.
And If This is the Only Thing I Want And it’s insane. This entire thing is insane. “Nothing,” Nick says firmly. “We’re just - I’m not going to do anything. We’re friends, we go out, we snog sometimes. End of story.”

Turning Something Inside Out Nick has a mental breakdown about three times a day, and sometimes it's not even about Harry Styles.

aideomai at AO3
Halftime Bet Basically, Nick wins Harry in a cardgame. AMAZEBALLS.


your translation's just a little off AU. so louis kind of doesn't like nick. like at all. really. he swears.

flimsy at AO3
to keep you awake Nick visits Louis after the show.

aliferuined at AO3
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better Than You Basically, Louis and Nick have grumpy sex and ignore their feelings.
I Don't Miss You At All Louis goes on tour, and Nick definitely does not pine.

at the end of the day(you've just got to say it's alright) nick just really isn't having a very good day.


Cannot Hide This (Harry/Louis/Liam)“The three of us, Liam. You, Harry, me, in one relationship. Not me and Harry and you separately, or Harry and you, or me and you. All three of us. Together.”

fiddleyoumust and lissabear02
Writing Moments on the Wall With Different Colors (Harry/Louis/Zayn) He’s not going to find the right answer by making lists of pros and cons. The truth is that he loves them both.

biggrstaffbunch at one_d_fanwork
Harry Styles, Fangirl at Large (Gen fic, crackfic) in which Harry wakes up as a fangirl, and hijinks ensue.

knottle at comm. knottlefic
Lips Like Sugar 8.5k of PURE PORN.

Bang Bang In Long Beach, California, Louis goes undercover to discover the perpetrator behind a series of car thefts. Four days later he has fallen in love with the boys he was supposed to be investigating. This is not very professional.

Fuck With You Harry and Louis talk dirty. Niall talks back.
Take the Edge Off Who knew what secret gay feelings might be lurking about in the hearts of boys?

Too many legs under the table. like with most things they blame niall. tour bus shenanigans.

Delicacies (Harry/Liam/Louis) Liam is confused, Louis is confusing, and Harry is Harry.

Burning Fires in this Mouth Wherein Niall doesn't know what he wants even when he gets it.(Harry/Louis/Niall)

undressed They go back to the bungalow to help Harry detox from heroin. MUST READ

daisysusan at AO3
Never Be The Lonely One In which Liam has been recruited by Team Great Britain to run at the Olympics, but none of that is quite as important as how much his bandmates miss him. Or the fact that he's having sex with Tom Daley.

trustingno1 at AO3
roll the dice(and swear that your love's for me) OT5PORN

liam/zayn, harry/louis, harry/zayn, niall/zayn, harry/niall, fic recs, liam/niall, louis/liam, ot5, louis/zayn, fandom:one direction, harry/nick g, harry/liam

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