Dec 02, 2008 15:05
It is Tuesday. The week from hell has begun. It is only day two, and I have already tried putting my head through a wall. Holy shit.
I have so much to do. So much to worry about. So much to anticipate. So much to consider. Oh. My. God.
The Thanksgiving parade was great. Thanksgiving with the family was great. Coming back here for a week and half bummed me out. But after this week and a half is over, I'm done with this place forever, and that is great news.
About all this shit going on right sucks for the people that don't deserve it, and didn't see it coming, and didn't genuinely want anything bad to come of it. However, I would like to speak for myself when I say I am glad you are gone. I feel like my life is so much better, now. I sound like the biggest bitch saying something like that...but I have not one regret at all. I stayed out of it. I didn't get into it. I didn't want to. It wasn't my business. I could have used the opportunity to come out and tell you how I feel about you/have felt about you the entire time I have known you, but I chose to rise above it. Not only because I don't want to waste my time hating you anymore, but because I think you already know how I feel about you. I am writing this because it is on my mind, and i write what is on my mind in my journal. I'm not hoping you read it, nor anyone else. This is just something I wanted to get down in writing. See ya never! yay!@