Oct 05, 2008 23:21
I turn 18 in less than a week.
I have never loved dancing as much as I do right now.
I get to hang out with Megan this weekend for the first time in over a month.
I am hopefully going to see Ludo saturday night.
I am not especially stressed out about school right now.
I love the Gilmore Girls way too much. I think I am going to be in a serious state of depression when I finish season 7.
Coffee has not been a big enough part of my life lately. That sucks.
Money is a pretty sore subject.
I'm getting my nose pierced this month.
I cannot wait until Thanksgiving. Or the first snowfall.
I love fall.
I love looking at the stars.
I hate being here.
I do not get to see Bruce Springstein play tomorrow. Major disappointment.
I have to talk with my nut-so advisor tomorrow about transferring. Sigh.
I wish it would rain more often.
My sister stole my room. That was my place.
I get to see BEN FOLDS live Thursday night.
Oh, and hang out with Jess to catch up :) :)
[EDIT #2]
Andddddddd have sex with Steve in a sink.
On christmas eve you will find me ballroom dancing in the middle of the street while the snow lightly falls and the christmas lights shine to False Advertising by bright eyes. I have fantasies about that.