graphics, dramas, japanese guys :P

Jan 11, 2009 03:19

minna konnichiiwa~ :D

   As you can see, my new default pic is sexy junpei-kun♥ to your left <--- ... i gotta say, most of the time he looks dorky and kawaii~ ^^ but man, when i saw those scans of him for his DIVE! photoshoot.... MAN I WAS DYING~ haha. I was trying to get a new header for my lj, but after an hour and a half I gave up T_____________T lol, ill try again after finals or something.

Oh, and the avvy for this entry is AKAI ITO~ hehe.

    I'm currently watching HANA YORI DANGO 2, HACHI-ONE DIVER and AKAI ITO ! I am so in love with Akai Ito tho! That's like my fave drama after FATED TO LOVE YOU... I dunno, I think I'm really into the dramas that relate to fate or destiny... because I do believe that God has a special plan for everyone, including our prince charmings ♥. Although it is from a Chinese Legend... well.... isn't there only one God? lol. Oh, and I really think Nao Minamisawa and Junpei-kun actually looks cute together... hells yeah, I'm jealous of her :P but I gotta say, both have very good chemistry :) So far, the story has been really good. I've watched ep. 1-3 numbers of times cuz i have to wait for episode 4, but man is the story good or what? ^^ (special shoutout to grumpy and unleashthegeek for releasing subs! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU! ^^)

HANA YORI DANGO is actually pretty good too. I gotta say, I was skeptical watching it cuz of METEOR GARDEN, my first love. It's so good tho! I kinda regret just watching it now, but man! haha. I'm more in favor of RUI and TSUKUSHI together tho, rather than TSUBASA and TSUKUSHI... hehe idk, like I said in the previous post, i have a slight crush on OGURI SHUN now cuz of his role in HANA YORI DANGO. I did'nt like him as much in HANA KIMI tho... explanations? in the next part. haha.

   Idk why, but I always like the supporting actors who never get the lead girl :P Somehow, I really pity them at the end of the drama and I become their fans! Haha. Of course, there are a few exceptions! (like Junpei in Akai Ito, Bae Young Joon in Winter Sonata, Wu Zun in Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu, && Ethan Ruan in Fated to Love you)...

Lol, so I watched Hana Kimi, japanese version, and OHHH MAN! NAKATSU SHUICHI.... isnt he so adorable?! haha he made me laugh so many times during the drama~ It doesn't hurt that he's hella hott too, lol. then I found out his real name... IKUTA TOMA♥ *drool* Idk why, it seems like a hot name for a hot actor ^^;; But yeah, lol. He's just my lil crush, hehe. Ima start watching the dramas he is in... soon.

oh and, I've noticed that MATSUDA SHOTA is really hot as well, HAHA. he made me cry during hana yori dango 2, when yuki-chan showed him the "suki jiroh" sign in the building! he was so adorable in that scene! i think i like soujiroh and yuki better than makino and domyouji together, LOL. thats just me though... but yeah!

so.. top three guys right now are.

1. 溝端淳平 (Mizobata Junpei)
2. 生田斗真 (Ikuta Toma)
3. 松田翔太 (Matsuda Shota)

This is really random but, 
I don't think that if i got a boyfriend that it would change anything. lol~
BYEBYE! *waves*
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