THE INTRODUCTION for all of them witches

Aug 03, 2004 17:41

name: Erica
age: 26
do you own the movie rosemary's baby?  YES
have you seen this movie? if not do you plan to?  I watch it often.
is rosemary's baby one of your favorite films?  Definitely. 
is mia farrow one of your favorite actresses? yes
do you enjoy all of mia farrow's roles? no, have not seen them all.
do you follow mia farrow's career?  Not too much, no. 
is rosemary's baby your favorite mia movie? Yes. 
is roman polanski one of your favorite directors? Yes.
were you drawn to the movie rosemary's baby because it was directed by polanksi? No.
have you seen other polanski movies? Yes.
what is you favorite roman polanksi film? !!Rosemary's Baby!!
do you enjoy 60s films? yes.
are you a film buff?  not really.
what is your favorite rosemary's baby quote? --so hard they all are great...
 "To 1966! The year one! "--Roman Castevet
"Pain, begone, I will have no more of thee!"--Rosemary
"Awful things happen in every apartment house." -- Rosemary
would you live in the bramford? depends.  part of me would love it and the other part would never sleep.  however, depends how good the apartment / rent is... ahh what the hell.  I would love it!!!!  Though my boyfriend who hates horror films wouldn't. I wouldn't tell him until we are fully moved in!!! muahahhahaha :)
how many times have you watched this movie? all the time.  I watch it while I clean, on a lazy sunday, any time it has a rosemary kind of day. 
have you read the book rosemary's baby? yes
are you crazy about horror films? Definitely.

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