Tenth Day of my 12 BoP TV Fic Days - Not My Day

Sep 27, 2007 21:08

I know there's been a few BoP TV stories around just lately, but here's story number ten for the Not My Day prompt of my BoP TV table

It's part of the series that started with Here's The Rub and continued most recently with I'm Sure She's Remembered

Hopefully, this one is a little different.

Title: Are You Sure?
Author: mrswomanFandom: Birds of Prey TV ( Read more... )

bop tv, barbara/helena, fic

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Comments 8

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mrswoman September 27 2007, 21:55:22 UTC
I do love the misdirection

And I really enjoyed writing it - glad you get me :-D


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mrswoman September 27 2007, 21:56:41 UTC
Thanks for standing by my BoP writing; AWESOME, I like it :-D


runetraverse October 1 2007, 18:07:55 UTC
*giggles* Oh! Poor Dinah! First read-through, I was trying to imagine Helene as the crime-fighter and Babs in the Tower, and I couldn't do it - then when I realized who they were really, the characterization suddenly fit perfectly. xD I can completely see Helena laughing her butt off at home. Great, great story, definitely a fave. ^^


mrswoman October 1 2007, 21:52:39 UTC
then when I realized who they were really, the characterization suddenly fit perfectly

Thank you :)

Glad you liked my story.


ralst October 1 2007, 21:29:37 UTC
You tricky devil. Loved how you inspired the 'Oh, Dinah' moment at the end.


mrswoman October 1 2007, 21:53:20 UTC
You tricky devil.

Why, thank you *g*


gsrfan7 October 1 2007, 22:43:17 UTC
Hilarious and very awesome story!


mrswoman October 2 2007, 17:08:07 UTC
Thank you :)


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