Spreading the Femslash Lovin' Fic 5 for elfcat255

Jul 07, 2007 00:19

elfcat255, so sorry you've had to wait for this one but it took a little while for an idea to appear to your exact prompt. When it did, I for one was more than pleased to be able to incorporate something important to me :)

I just hope it was worth your wait?

Title: Yin and Yang
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: CSI/Catherine/Sara or Wendy
Disclaimer: These characters and situations do not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. I have borrowed them as part of my sanity maintenance.
Rating: um, PG
Word Count: 977
AN: Written to help spread the femslash lovin' in response to a prompt from elfcat255 over here in which she asked for CSI - Catherine/Sara or Wendy----hmmm, how about a close call (I'll leave it up to you to interpret what it is)
Summary: Ignorance of balance will ruin your world


To hold Tao and Te

know masculine
yet abide in feminine
be a child of the world

know light
yet abide in black
be a pattern of the world

know glory
yet abide in humility
be a reflection of the world

know division
yet abide in unity
be a master of the world



Two women walked in opposite directions down a busy street, both deep in thought, and yet, it was obvious they had the same destination in mind.



A redhead looked down on her dark haired lover and smiled lazily; this was her resting place, her sheltered place where she found the time and the courage to revitalize her resolve. Working in CSI, loving her daughter unconditionally, and living through a teenager's years of hell drained her energy reserves. Sometimes, she just needed the time and the place to replenish the high.

The only time she managed to take stock, to rest, and to let go, was here lying with her lover, so passive and content beneath her. This young woman, so reluctant to let the redhead in, always looking inward, needing her so much it gave her the strength to come up smiling.

Her lover was so intense, shrouded in mystery, and yet, so soft and so feminine it was with her the redhead found her strength. In the passivity of her lover, she replenished her energy; in the femininity of her lover, she found her masculinity.

And, in her revitalization, the dark side of her lover found its release.

It was now, in the aftermath of her giving, that the redhead took her rest. It was now that she took the time to admire and cherish the beauty before her. She stroked the long brown hair, running the soft length between her fingers, allowing them to soothe and massage her aching fingers. The hair framed a face usually so drawn and serious looking, but now in sleep, sported a relaxed open appearance that made the redhead wonder what secrets lay beneath the façade of stubbornness. She traced the soft, full lips, and heard in her memory the harsh words this woman often uttered to her face, the words that mysteriously changed in their passion.

In the background of this peacefulness, she heard a noise, and looked up; not sure if it was a trick of the light, she called out anyway, "Wendy?"



"Catherine, you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just so tired, Gil, too old for all this, you know, things getting a little complicated."

A smile Catherine recognized flittered across Gil's face.

"Lao Tsu says the most effective course of action is always to do nothing."


"You know, Dao, The Way?"


"Well, he said, 'the wisest approach is the way of 'non-action' - not inaction but rather a harmonization of one's personal will with the natural harmony and justice of Nature…'"


"Um, just, you know…"



A redhead looked down on her dark haired lover and smiled with a brightness she didn't recognize; this was her sunny place, her exposed place where she found the time to rest and to take time out from her exhausting schedule. Working in CSI, she found there were times it was hard to come down from all the excitement, times when all she needed was to be taken somewhere to just diminish the high.

The only time she managed to slow down, to let someone else lead her, and to take for herself, was here lying with her lover, so active and eager beneath her. This young woman, so open and accepting of the redhead's needs, always looking outwards, needing her so much it gave her the strength to fall back into calm.

Her lover was so playful, bursting with humour, and yet, so hard and so masculine it was with her the redhead found her weakness. In the activity of her lover, she allowed her energy to dissipate; in the masculinity of her lover, she regained her femininity.

And, in her relaxation, the bright side of her lover found its foothold.

It was now, in the aftermath of her taking, that the redhead had her play. It was now that she took the time to touch and to caress the beauty before her. She stroked shoulder length hair, running the thick tresses between her fingers, allowing them to fall like water. The hair framed a face that always, always sported a welcome smile whatever the occasion, but now in sleep, held a slight frown that made the redhead wonder what secrets lay beneath the façade of happiness. She traced the soft, full lips, and heard in her memory the soft words this young woman always offered her, the words that mysteriously changed in their passion.

Lost in her thoughts, the redhead heard a shuffle behind her head, twisting round she wasn't sure if she was really seeing what she thought. She called out anyway, "Sara?"



Catherine laughed softly at the mess her life was becoming. Taking a sip of her extra strong black coffee, she remembered Gil's words of earlier, pondering as always the complete and utter nonsense. As she'd walked away from him, she'd heard him mutter something extra, which was unusual for Gil, his words usually being strong and full of meaning.

"Don't interfere, Cath, just go with the flow."

It was those extra words that were repeating in her head like a mantra. Quietly saying them out loud to herself, she realized the words had been typical Gil after all. Suddenly, she got it.

"That's it, why fight things, this is what we need." She reached for her cell phone, made a couple of calls, and then sat back to wait.

Soon, she watched as two brunettes wandered towards her table, both with a glorious smile just for her, both with a puzzled look towards each other, but both happy to take the offered seat and the hand she held out to each.

Catherine grinned at their easy acceptance and started to talk.



Three women walked down a deserted street, their shoulders barely touching, and yet, it was obvious they were together.


Cross-posted to passion_perfect

catherine/sara, csi, fic, catherine/wendy

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