Original Fic: Dream Weavers

Apr 13, 2007 22:12

Last weekend, ralst posted the first entries to Passion and Perfection's Epic Proportions challenge.

I was there!

I never ever thought I could write a piece of fiction totaling 20k words. The challenge changed my mind on that score and, I’ve had such a blast writing this piece, I might be tempted to call this Book One and go on to write another 20k of the ongoing story.

We'll see :)

Title: Dream Weavers
Author: Debbie
Fandom: Original
Words: 21087
Rating: U

Thanks: As always to two very special people, L for just being there and guiding me quietly in my writing, and darandkerry for correcting all my British speak with my American characters.

Summary: Suzie Hofmeyer, recently bereaved, has reached a life changing point. With the opening of a much dreamt about Coffee Shop, she can hopefully put some of her past behind her. During the hectic first year of the coffee shop’s development, a widowed police officer, Christine Walker, and her young daughter arrive on the scene. Is another dream about to be realized?

Dream Weavers

ralst, guess I'll wait for another 'long' challenge to write Book Two (um, just wait until the Summer Calendar is out of the way) *hint*

original, fic, challenge entry

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