FIC: Taking Charge (a LWM fic written for ariestess and shatterpath)

Apr 07, 2007 09:14

Title: Taking Charge
Author: mrswoman
For ariestess who challenged me over here to write a LWM fic.
Pairing: Michael/Jo
Prompt: Doing something ordinary [going to a baseball game, Jamie's school play, going grocery shopping, tending to a sick Jamie, etc] and, if you can get smut into it, shatterpath says that'll be kewl.
I decided to write it as Aspect 19: Eating-Her-Lunch-And-Drinking-From-A-Soda-Bottle Girl of my Aspects Meme
Rating: a teeny bit of smut
Words: 1782
Disclaimer: Love them, don't own them, doing it for my sanity.
AN: Sorry for pinching an idea from one of my past aspect favourites :)
Thanks: as always to darandkerry for the beta read.
Summary: Michael and Jo have different roles at different times in their growing relationship.


"Jamie! Turn that television set off; it's nearly time to leave."

Michael smiled as she heard Jo shouting at her daughter; however, her smile turned to a slight grimace as she heard Jo's next words, obviously directed at Michael herself.

"Michael! Get yourself out here; we have to leave this house in ten minutes flat."

This was going to be the first big test in their ever changing relationship, their first public appearance among Jamie's school friends. Jamie had accepted Michael's relationship with her mom, Jo's family had accepted Michael's relationship with Jo, but could they be accepted in the outside world?

Jamie's school was performing 'Prom in the Park,' and the young woman had been afforded the honour of singing, not only the school song at the opening, but also the national anthem at the closing; it was, therefore, important that her mom stayed throughout the performance.

On hearing about the honour, Jo had assumed that she would attend alone and that she would meet up with Michael sometime after the performance. Jamie was having none of that idea, inviting both her mom, her dad, and their respective partners.

Michael grinned at the memory of her invite. This time last year, when her teaching of Jo in the ways of her world were at the intense stage, she'd never have dreamed that the relationship could hold so much simplistic family pleasure to it, too. Allowing herself to just be with Jo and Jamie had saved Michael in ways only she recognized.

She loved her family, and yet, she was, and would always be, Archangel Michael; the boss of her domain.

Michael knew that Jo understood that part of her; but, it didn't hurt to remind her every now and then either.

"Jo! *I* need you in here, quickly, if we're going to be ready in those ten minutes."

The tall, strong woman let a girlish giggle escape as she thought of what she was about to do to encourage Jo to never forget. Outside the bedroom, she heard Jo giving a few extra orders to her daughter, and she waited.

Jo entered the room with a big smile on her face; a smile that dropped as soon as she saw Michael's imperious figure. The dark haired woman immediately dropped to her knees and bowed her head in Michael's favoured position. Her training had been absolute.

Michael strode across the room and lifted Jo's face up so they could lock eyes. Reading exactly what she wanted to read in the sparkling blue eyes staring solidly into her own, she leaned forward and kissed her lover, whispering gently, "You don't need to do that while we're outdoors, my dear Jo, but…"

Michael reached out to pull Jo from the floor and pushed her towards the bed. Once Jo was flat on the bed covers, she threw a small package towards her and ordered, "Put this in position quickly and then come and join me and Jamie."

Jo looked up at Michael, then at the set of anal beads resting in her hand, and then back at Michael with an incredulous look on her face.


Michael waited a few moments until she saw the nod of acceptance from her woman and then turned to leave. At the door, she turned to offer a last few words of encouragement.

"Lest you forget…," she let her words trail off and left a bemused Jo to make herself decent while she joined Jamie who’d been waiting patiently for her mom and Michael to join her.


Three hours later, the two women were listening to Jamie sing her school song. They’d found a nice shady spot under a nearby tree, had laid their blanket on the ground, and were enjoying a lazy afternoon of sun, wine, and inane gossip.

Michael looked over towards Jo and saw a few tears appearing in her eyes; she reached over and dabbed at the tears with a large handkerchief, smiling when the family to one side nodded at her actions.

Jo's watery smile of thanks made her grin even more. She whispered in Jo's ear. "Ah, the perfect couple watching their daughter bring the house down, huh?"

Jo laughed quietly as she answered. "Who'd have thought you could be so domesticated, hon?"

An evil glint passed through Michael's gaze as she thumbed a small switch in her pocket at Jo's first moment of indiscretion. Minor indiscretion that it was, Michael was going to enjoy this afternoon as much as she could, and the wireless box in her hand was the perfect tool.

Jo jumped as an electric shock shot through her ass. Smiling sweetly at the neighbouring family, she barely managed to hold a squeal in at the unexpected tingling. She turned towards Michael to see her discretely waving the small handset and glared.

Michael chuckled again. "Lest you forget…"

"Forget what?" demanded Jo.

The immediate shock in her ass wrought another grunt of acknowledgment.

"Now, now, darling Jo, keep your voice down and listen to the music."

"I'll kill you for this, Michael, I will…"

Another shock took her words and her breath away. Jo gave in and settled back to listen to the music. It didn't take her long to forget her ire towards Michael as the taller woman rested back against the tree, pulling Jo's smaller body into the welcoming strength of her own.

Jo sighed. Despite everything, and God knows she enjoyed most of it; this was the woman she loved.

Lulled into a false security, Jo almost jumped off the blanket as the anal beads twitched once again. She spun around to glare at Michael, muttering, "Now what? I was only relaxing"

Michael nodded towards the two men approaching them, "Just giving you a little reminder before our guests arrived."

Jo forgot her anger immediately at the sight of Jamie's father, Rick, and his partner, Gil, coming towards them.

"Hey Rick, Gil, come and join us. You remember Michael, I hope?"

The two men nodded, and Rick surprised Michael by reaching for her hand, not to shake it as she'd expected, but to pull her into a tight hug.

The four adults continued to enjoy the afternoon sun, and the surprisingly professional musicianship from the school children. Eventually, the concert came to an end, and all four allowed a quiet tear to fall at Jamie's beautiful rendition of 'The Star-Spangled Banner.'

Jo leaned into Rick's shoulder and kissed his cheek. Michael, seeing the exchange was surprised by the small shiver of jealousy that ran through her and, reflexively, she pressed her thumb. It made her smile to see that, this time, Jo managed to control her surprise. When blue eyes drifted her way with a question behind the glare, she found she could only shrug. She knew the jealousy was misplaced, but Jo was so far under her skin, it was inevitable and, if there was one thing Archangel Michael didn't do, it was to apologize for something she meant.

Luckily, the arrival of the girl of the moment prevented any further discussion of the last few minutes.

Jamie basked in the adoration of her small family and, enjoying the lavish picnic fare provided by Michael's business associates, allowed their comfortable interaction with her friends and their families to finish a perfect day.

So, much, much later, after a beautiful early evening of food, wine, family, companionship, and utmost peace, the time arrived to send Jamie off for a night with her dads, while the two women went home for a night on their own.

Michael hugged Jamie and whispered quietly, "If we can talk your mom around this time, we'll get that present you wanted." The grin that crossed Jamie's face was enough for now; Michael let the girl go and turned towards her dads.

While Michael bid Rick and Gil goodnight, Jo pulled her daughter into a bone-crushing hug. "You do know I love you, right?"

"Yes, mom, I do; do you know that I love you?"

"Yes, I do; now go have a nice evening with your dad, and we'll see you tomorrow. You were fantastic today. Thank you."

Jamie's smile split into a huge grin at the praise, and she gave her mom one last hug. She blew the two women another kiss each and then followed behind the men.


"That went very well, if I have to say so myself."

Jo looked at Michael, wondering if her words related to the concert or to her own treatment at the hands of the master.

Bending her head low, Jo murmured, "Yes, it did, Ma'am."

Michael strolled across and lifted Jo's chin again. "Not yet, Jo, first let's talk about tonight like people in love do, let's share the memory of Jamie, and the guys, and the lovely food, together."

And they did, exactly as a couple should.

Gradually, Jo migrated towards Michael reclining on her huge bed and placed herself carefully between the long legs, ready to be cuddled and loved. Michael appeased her lover immediately, gently stroking and soothing with small massaging circles across her lover's abdomen.

Suddenly, Jo felt her ass quiver; yet, relaxed and aroused, this time the feeling was almost one of pure pleasure. She purred and dared to ask a question, certain they weren’t yet in full role, "Were you jealous of Rick earlier?"

Michael bit gently on the nape of Jo's neck and admitted, "A little."

"Well, you really have no need, you know. I love Rick, but I adore you."

"Yeah, I know, but head over heels, you know."

Jo turned her head to stare into Michael's eyes; her look conveying the love she shared with this strong woman. Michael nodded imperceptibly, bit down more firmly on the soft skin of Jo's neck and growled, "Now, get on your knees."

Michael's arousal flared exponentially as Jo complied immediately, and she thrust her hand between firm thighs, already feeling wetness coating her fingers.

Using the position and her strength to full effect, Michael took Jo to all their usual places and when, feeling Jo's ass beginning to press back against her stomach and her inner muscles clenching in an all-to-familiar rhythm, she thumbed the small hand-set one last time, the orgasm wrought from within Jo was enough to send Michael flailing into oblivion, too.

Flopping on top of Jo's inert body, Michael traced the intricate tattoo on her lumbar spine and grinned at the subtle gesture of ownership. Laying her weight fully on the body beneath her, she nipped at Jo's ear before whispering, "Lest you forget who's the real boss."

Jo's deep sigh of contentment was the only answer she ever needed to hear.


Hope it was ok you two?

fic, fic meme, lwm

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