Aspects Meme 21: Daring Sofia Curtis for ralst

Sep 09, 2006 09:57

The beauty of my Aspects Meme challenges is that I've been pushed to try a few new pairings in my number one fandom, CSI...

... here as the 14th entry is another one :)

Title: Quiet Nights at the Bellagio
Author: mrswoman
For ralst who asked for Aspect 21. Daring Girl - Sofia Curtis/Dina Meyer's character from Swap Meet - an afternoon tryst (or not, I couldn't think of a prompt)
Words: 812
Spoilers: Not really, this is set before Swap Meet S05E05
Disclaimer: Love them, don't own them, doing it for my sanity.
AN: Thanks to geonncannon and darandkerry for help with beginnings and endings :)
Summary: If you remember, Captain Brass says to Meg Cunningham under interview, "I mean, security confirmed that you were with a female. Late 20s, blonde, I mean, she even paid for breakfast with her credit card. So ..." SO…


The blonde detective designate watched the couple as they bickered and argued throughout a late lunch.

The operation had been a bust from the start, with no clear-cut direction of who to observe, or even what to observe. Basically, she'd been told to just watch for any drug deals taking place. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sofia allowed herself to concentrate on the passion being displayed by the beautiful redheaded woman arguing intensely with the dark haired man. She smiled wryly at the thought of where that passion could be better spent.

Oh, surveillance was such a bitch.

If this was how detectives spent their days, Sofia was tempted to stay on the beat, and yet, making detective would please her mom so much she knew she'd continue, knew she'd do anything to gain her mother's respect. She smiled as she pictured her mom, proud in her Captain's dress uniform, watching as she collected her prized detective's shield. The blonde turned away from the distracting couple and concentrated on catching potential drug dealers.

Later, sitting in the same damn seat, watching the same perfectly respectful people go about their perfectly mundane business, a flash of red hair caught her attention. Chancing a look across the room, she saw the woman from the earlier arguing couple; this time alone and obviously upset.

Checking her watch the policewoman realized she was officially off-duty, and seeing none of her colleagues nearby, she took a leap into the unknown; for once Sofia Curtis was going off-duty at her own behest. She stood and walked over towards the woman, checking once more that the husband wasn't just lurking at the bar. Finally, certain the redhead was alone, Sofia approached the table.

Carefully placing her hand on the back of the other woman's chair, she announced her presence.

"You look like you could do with some company. My friends tell me I have a sympathetic ear. May I?"

The blonde policewoman indicated the chair opposite and grimaced as the redhead looked at her with barely controlled anger. Sofia winced at her own audacity; how dare she interfere in what was obviously a private time for the woman. Looking into the redhead's blazing green eyes, she knew there was just something drawing her in; making her take a chance.

She persevered, holding her hand out in introduction.

"Sofia Curtis. Um, I'm a policewoman, supposedly here on surveillance, bored out of my mind, and you looked more interesting."

She offered a wry grin towards the redhead and was immensely pleased to see the beginning of a smile on the other woman's face.

The woman took the hand being offered and replied sarcastically, "Meg Cunningham, bored socialite housewife, abandoned by her husband for a fucking swinger's party."

Silence descended over the table as each woman absorbed Meg's tortured words.

The redhead was the first to break the awkward moment.

"Hey! Please excuse me. I'm not usually like this, never usually say more than a very polite damn… " she glanced towards the detective and offered a wink, "… it's just, I don't want what he..."

The redhead's words trailed off as she realized she was about to open her heart out to a complete stranger.

Sofia saw the ashamed look cross Meg's face and offered to fetch a drink from the bar allowing Meg to regain her composure whilst she was away.

Three hours and numerous drinks later, Sofia knew Meg's torrid history of a wayward husband while Meg knew Sofia's struggle to emulate her beloved mother, both in great detail. The two women had steadily migrated towards each other throughout the evening, giving and offering comfort of the most natural kind.

Sofia looked at her watch and saw it was already the early hours of the next day. She smiled at Meg and indicated the time.

"I have to go, and you need to get some rest. Maybe we could…"

Before Sofia could get her offer of another meeting out, Meg stopped her words with a gentle finger across the lips. She took Sofia's hand and stood up, pulling the taller woman with her.

"I have a room, stay."

The look the two women shared said everything it needed to say.

"I can't."

"Please Sofia, take a chance. Please?"

The quiet entreaty was Sofia's undoing; she took a chance.

And over the next two years, they regularly took a chance. Each night Meg was dragged along to a swingers' evening, she would arrive with her husband, wait until he had found his first conquest, then leave to meet Sofia at the Bellagio. Slowly getting more and more comfortable in each other's company, the two women had never discussed Meg leaving Tom, each woman appreciating that what they had was good, and that nothing needed to change.

In fact, everything was perfect, everything was sacred, until…


ralst, I hope that was ok?

csi, meme, fic, sofia/other

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